Chapter 17

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3rd Person POV

After Steve's failed attempt to reach out to Natasha, they boarded the quinjet and they were on there way back to the tower. Natasha sat in silence, but her head was loud she as thinking about what had happened. She had lost control, she hadn't felt like that in a long time, she was always in control but since Clint's passing she hadn't felt like herself.

Steve's worry was evident, not just only in his voice but in his eyes, he looked at her in disbelief because his best friend. Who he always knew to be the strongest and the most emotionally stable person out of the whole team, was disappearing into all the grief and sadness and she wouldn't let him in.

Finally they landed at the Tower, Natasha headed to the training room once she got out of her cat suit and placed her weapons in their designated areas.

Steve sat in his room, which was alot more comfortable than his apartment, he had his music playing while he read a book. Tony once again isolated himself in his lab and either finished or started projects, while Bruce listened to classical music on his headphones in his room.

Natasha landed another punch on the bag, harder than the one before hand. Sweat poured off her forehead, her hands were becoming sweaty as well but she continued.

Natasha started punching the bag with her legs, the bag was swaying but Natasha landed each hit perfectly. All her focus was on the bag and nothing was going to stop her.

Apart from the sound of Natasha foot hitting the bag, the room was silent. Usually Clint and Natasha would spar together and it usually ended with bruises mainly on Clint, but that would never happen again.

Never again would Clint be able to hold a bow or an arrow, or be able to live a life full of happiness with Laura and the kids. And Natasha couldn't nor wouldn't accept that he was gone.

A few hours passed, and dinner was ready the team sat around the table and ate their meal. "Mr Stark, you have a visitor" said Jarvis. Confusion and curiosity filled their minds with as who it be.

"Who is it Jarvis?" Steve asked, "Mrs Laura Barton" he responded, everyone responded with shock. Natasha was shocked most of all, since their last encounter they hadn't talked, what was she doing here?, Natasha thought.

"Direct her to the living area" Tony said.
"Of course sir" Jarvis responded, they all looked around at each other in confusion. Natasha stayed expressionless, They all stood up and walked towards the elevator, to greet Laura with Natasha slightly at the back.

Soon enough the elevator doors opened, with Laura standing inside. She half smiled towards everyone, she wore casual clothes and her eyes looked tired. She hugged Steve, Tony and Bruce but when it came to Natasha, they didn't know how to respond to each other so they nodded.

Which was odd to the other's, "So laura, what are you doing here" Steve said to break the awkwardness, "Sorry for coming here uninvited, but I would like to talk to Natasha alone" Laura said apologetically. "Well, I guess we will leave you guys alone" Bruce said, they left the room leaving Natasha and Laura to talk.

Natasha gestured they sit on the couch, which Laura agreed. "Nat, first off I am so sorry for the way I acted. I didn't mean any of it, I was just angry and upset" Laura said with a pleading tone.

"Laura, you had a right to be upset and I understand" Natasha said trying to comfort her. Laura smiled and Natasha smiled back. "How are the kids?" Natasha asked.

"They are okay, dealing with it, they are with my grandmother at the moment, she has a small apartment in New York" Laura replied. "How are you?" Laura asked Natasha in a concerned tone.

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