chapter 7

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Natasha's POV

I had to get out of there, thr arrow head was stuck in my leg, the blood was treakling down my leg. I limped awhile until I came upon a small warehouse. I opened the door which creaked and I entered it was a dusty and empty. 'I lost him I'm sure' I thought to myself.

I didn't have any any supplies to clean and bandage wound. I had 2 guns, a knife and a couple of widow bites. I yanked the arrow out of my leg, I tried not to scream, I learned in the red room not to show emotion and besides I had gone through worse than this, much worse.

Unknown POV

I followed the trail of blood, until I stood in front of a warehouse, I was impressed, I wouldn't have gone that far with an arrow in my leg. I slowly walked in with my an arrow lodged in my bow and walked in slowly. I walked past the door.

A foot kicked by bow and arrow away and I dropped it, she then tried punched me in the face but I blocked it in time, we proceeded to do hand to hand combat, I tried to kick her in the stomach but she was to quick and deflected it.

Then I thought she has a wound so I kicked her wounded leg and to my amazement she didn't even flinch whatever they did to her must've been worse than I could imagine.

Natasha's POV

My leg was burning, but I didn't show it, I had to keep going, I hated it when I lost in a fight. I remembered I still had widow bites I grabbed one from my pocket and threw it towards my opponent it hit him and he yelled out in pain. Weak.

Unknown POV

I felt electric shots going through my arm and then the rest of my body. My vision became fuzzy, but I fought it off. I saw the girl standing above me "tell the red room and Ivan I am never going back" (Russian)

I didn't understand what she was saying "look lady I have no idea what you are saying" she looked confused. "You are an american" she stated, she had a Russian accent.

"Red room doesn't work with Americans with a useless bows and arrow" I was offended by that "hey don't dis the bow and arrow" I said in an annoyed tone.

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