Chapter 4

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It had been four days since Will's birthday ball, and within that time I moved into the Flora castle with Reyes family. I had become Will's nanny. It's not my ideal job, but Will is a sweet kid, and I wasn't taking care of him 24 hours a day anyways. For most of the day he was homeschooled, learning the basics of education and going through royal training. 

Princes and Princesses were usually required to go through training to teach them the basics on how to act "properly". Dining etiquette, manners, ballroom dancing, balance, and a brief explanation of the crowning ceremony. I hoped that Will was having a better experience with homeschooling than I did, I remember it being so awful. Stacks and stack of homework were given with very little time to complete it, not to mention the teacher was so hard on us. But that was how things were in Akira, plus my father always wanted me and brothers to be extremely advanced, so we would always have longer schooling hours, and extra homework. In the end it all paid off, my brothers and I were rather intelligent when we wanted to be. 

Knowing how caring the people of Flora were, I doubted schooling was as hard for Will as it was for me and my brothers. It's not that the people in Flora were dumb, it was quite the opposite actually. The people of Flora were all extremely intelligent. The other kingdoms found it hard to keep up with their constant advances in technology. They were just a lot easier on their children here, perhaps it's hasty generalization to say that, but many people here were so easy and caring when it came to their children. If only my father had been born here, perhaps he wouldn't be as cruel as he is.

"Angel." I heard someone call for me, the way the voice sounded so exasperated made me think that they had probably been calling me for a while.

I looked over at my door, only to see Prince Glenn. "Oh... Sorry, I zoned out." I say, getting off my bed and walking towards him. I hadn't seen him since I moved into the castle.

"That's okay." He chuckled, flashing a dazzling smile at me. "How do you like it here so far?"

I shrugged. Honestly it was just like the castle back home except without my family. But I couldn't tell him that. All he knew was that I was Angel Sparks, a commoner from Aldoria. And that's all he would ever know. "It's nice. Everyone is nice here. Although..."

"Although what?" He asked quickly, a nervous tone in his voice.

"It's lonely sometimes. Especially when Will gets taken away by Mr. Wess." Mr. Wess was Prince Will's teacher, and he would come in at the same time every morning and whisk Will away from me, no matter what we were doing.

"I suppose I've been neglecting my guest."

"Your guest?" I asked with a snort. "Don't you mean your employee? I work for you, it's not your job to keep me entertained."

A light pink blush appeared on his cheeks. "Oh... right."

"Anyways, did you just stop by to check on me? Or was there something you had to tell me?"

"I had something to tell you. I'm giving you permission to pull Will out of his studies early today, because there's a very special person coming to visit for his birthday party this afternoon."

"This afternoon?" I asked. "I thought that we were going to do it this weekend."

"Didn't Michel tell you? We wanted to surprise Will, so we changed the date. It's today at 3."

I pulled out my phone and checked the time, it was already 1. "No, he didn't tell me. But thank you for informing me." Ever since the party it had become apparent that Michel was doing everything in his power to avoid me. I didn't mind it, but he couldn't even bother to tell me something as important as this? How childish.

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