Chapter 2

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I was a wreck.

It was near impossible to run my fingers through the tangled mess I called hair, I was still wearing the dress from my meeting, my hair and makeup from that day was still the same (just not nearly as pretty), I probably reeked, I hadn't showered in the three days I was locked in my room. I was absolutely starving, hence why I was even bothering to leave my room. However thanks to a certain sleeping, blonde boy, I could barely take one step out of my room. "Colton? What are you doing out here?" He had ginormous bags under his eyes to match mine, which I inferred meant he had been outside my door for three days. My heart melted.

He groaned, rolling onto his back. He rubbed the tired out of his eyes and they fluttered open. Our eyes locked, and the biggest grin spread across his face. "Twinsie! Good morning..."

I returned his sweet smile. "Tell me you haven't been here for three days."

He slowly sat up, leaning against the wall. "Oh but I have. I felt something was wrong." We have a twin connection, when something is wrong with one twin, the other feels it.

I shut my door and slid down it, sitting beside him. "You didn't have to wait for me you know... Especially not for three days." I scolded.

"I knocked and you didn't answer, but I know you needed someone, so I decided I was going to be that someone when you finally decided to come out of your room." He muttered, resting his head on my shoulder and passing out upon impact.

I ran my fingers through his hair, smiling down at him. He was always there for me, no matter what. He was my guardian angel, and I was his. We took care of each other.

I pulled my phone out of my bra and I texted James. 'Blanket & hot chocolate for three. ASAP.'

I looked Colton up and down as he slept, he reminded me of a child. For once his cheeky grin was wiped clean and he had a look of innocence. I took in the features of my twin, he was the mirrored image of me. Other than the fact that he was taller by a lot, had a better jawline and much bushier eyebrows. But we had the same blonde hair, the same violet eyes, the same bright smile. It was weird sometimes to see someone who looked exactly like you. It's like seeing yourself in person.

A blanket dropped before me, landing on the legs of Colton and I. There was a thud on the other side of me, and suddenly another head was on my shoulder. "I'm just covered in sleeping beauties today now aren't I?" I asked with a laugh. James was practically half asleep by the time I asked.

"I've been so busy lately, I haven't been home for two days. I've had three opening ceremonies, some meetings in Aldoria, there was a party in Borra and then one in Liberty right after. I just want to sleep." He whined, his eyes fluttering shut. Having two sleeping boys on me made me so nostalgic. I remembered back when we were kids, we would always play around outside in the summer; destroying things, playing pranks, rolling in the flowers. After all the fun was over, we would all go lay in the grass and sleep in the sun; I would have Colton lay on my stomach, while I laid on James'.

Those were better days. when the "three musketeers" were literally inseparable. But now that we're older, we had more responsibilities, and had less time. But whenever we had the chance, we were sure to do unthinkable things. Like just last week, we had a little prank war. James won that one, but Colton and I made a twin-pact that we would knock him out, then it would be every man for himself. No mercy.

Eventually I began to drift off as well. I don't know how long I was out, but when I awoke, my brothers were bickering.

"If you hadn't fallen asleep, your hot chocolate would still be hot. Now you have to drink it." James gently scolded Colton.

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