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Ever since I was a child I've always wondered what it would be like if I hadn't been born the way I am. Perhaps I would've been happier in another life with who I am... But I suppose that's something I'll never know.

The sun slowly went down submerging into the orange pink, and purple sky; until eventually it disappeared. Progressively the moon and stars came into view, causing a sense of security to come over me. There was something about the night sky that was so comforting, perhaps it was because of the silly tale my mother used to tell me. She would always say that stars are just angels, watching over everyone as we slept. It was a sweet tale that would always put my wandering mind at rest as a child, although now, it seems that I can never sleep. I don't remember the last time I was able to get an acceptable amount of sleep. 

"Ange?" I heard a voice call out to me. I turned back from the balcony, peering into my room, only to see a distorted mirror image of me. 

"Yes my darling twin?" I asked sarcastically as I entered my room, shutting the door to the balcony behind me.  

He smiled brightly at me and made himself comfortable on my bed, spreading his entire body across it, knocking off pillows and books. "I just wanted to talk, like old times you know?"

I rolled my eyes, sitting on the side of the bed and looking back at him. "Mhm, sure."

"What? I can't just come in here to talk to my precious twin sister?" 

"Come on Colton, you and I both know that we can't lie to each other." I grazed my fingertips across the sole of his foot, he twitched and immediately sat up, glaring at me. "I know you're just dying to ask me why, so ask it." 

He sighed and stared down at his lap. "This isn't like you at all... What happened to fighting dad and the system? Why are you just giving up all of a sudden?" 

The aura of the room shifted and suddenly my heart felt heavy. "I'm not giving up. I'm growing up. Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to for the sake of others."  

"But that's not your burden!" He complained. 

"If it's not mine then who will take it? Surely not you, or James."

"But James could just marry a commoner, then he could take over and–"

"Enough." I snapped. We made eye contact with one another, and somehow our hands enveloped. "You know father would never allow that, not in a million years. No more fighting okay? I'm tired of arguing and fighting with father all the time, it's time to just do it. Father has wanted me out of his hair for years, and now he's finally getting it."   

"Don't say that..."

"Why? You know it's true. I'm a menace. That's why he hasn't revoked the law. If he does he knows it'll mean we all can marry who we please, and it means James can step to power sooner." I felt his hands squeeze mine tighter, and his eyes began to water. It was hard to tell though, my vision blurred as tears spilled from my eyes. "He doesn't want to lose power, and he knows that he can get rid of me. It's a win-win situation for him."

Colton went silent after my sudden response, tearing his violet eyes away from mine. "I know you want to protect your precious twin, but that's not how things are anymore. You and James can't keep protecting me. Father will stop at nothing to get rid of me. I'm just not the daughter he wants." I heaved a heavy sigh, managing a weak smile. "Besides. This is something I have to do." 

"If mom were here... Things would be different." He whispered, his voice breaking.

"I know."

A loud pounding at the door directed both of our attention towards it. "Yeah?" the two of us said in unison.  

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