Chapter 1

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"...Father had 'big plans' for me."

"Angel!" I could hear him shout from down the hall as he ran at me. "Angel stop!"

The last time my father called for me like that I had accidentally broken a window, it wasn't completely my fault though, James and Colton had dared me to try and throw a baseball into an open window. Unfortunately I was a window off and I broke one instead. However I don't remember breaking anything lately. I turned on my heel, waiting for my father to catch up.

"I have a surprise for you." He said in a pleasant tone, to my surprise.

Was this some kind of sick joke? My father had a surprise for me? I don't think he ever surprised me with anything, at least nothing pleasant. His types of surprises were only things that benefitted him, like the time he told James he had a surprise for him, when really it was just to show him that he had passed a law to push more taxes on the people. To top t all off, those taxes wouldn't even benefit the people, they only went to my father.

"Okay, I'll bite." I said, cocking a brow in suspicion.

He grinned from ear to ear and held out a document, dangling it in front of my face. "This is from the Sol kingdom. It's an official email from Prince Jonathan himself. He wishes to come and meet you."

"Prince Jonathan? Please tell me you're kidding."

"You're nearly of age. It's about time you started becoming an adult and settled down."

"Marriage? I'm only 19!" I exclaimed. I shouldn't have to be thinking about marriage until I was at least 25. But that's just how royalty worked. My grandparents had gotten married at 14, and my parents at 16. "And Jonathan out of all people? Isn't there anyone more suitable?! I never asked for this."

"You didn't have to. You should be thankful he's even considering marrying a disgrace like you. Princes want a wife, which is something I'm sure Jonathan will  make out of you if he decides you're worthy." Hi words cut through me like a knife. "Don't screw this up Angel. It's your chance to become queen."

A wife. In my father's eyes that was someone dainty, graceful, mild-mannered. A damsel in distresses. My sister's could pass for a wife by that definition, but I wasn't them. Far form it. I wanted to be my own hero, which my father was repulsed by. He was stuck in the old ways, where women were quiet and just did as they were told, but my mother raised me to be independent, intelligent, strong, and a fighter.

"I will never marry Jonathan, you'll never be able to force the words 'I do', even if you force me down that aisle. I'd much rather cut out my own tongue than marry that arrogant fool." I hissed. "Get rid of the law and allow James to become King. He should be your successor and the next ruler, not me."

"Jonathan will be here in four hours, make yourself look presentable. You know the rules, formal wear only, change out of that crap you call clothing." He twisted the knife before briskly walking away. I left as well, deciding there was no point in upsetting him further. I headed for my room.

If only my father would revoke the one law preventing James from becoming King. Law 43: 'The first born of the Akira royal family is to be first in line for the throne. If for any reason, he or she is unable to marry a pureblood royal, the right to the throne will be passed onto the next child, etc.'

It was quite possibly the dumbest law I've ever heard of, but of course my father would never get rid of it, because there are no Princesses that are pure blood, other than my sisters and I, James couldn't marry anyone. Therefore, he can never take his righteous place on the throne, and that burden was then passed onto me.

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