Chapter 12 - Safety

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"Skye, you need to stop this." I say and I see a single tear drip, off her cheek. She tries to take deep breathes but every time she does, she gasps in pain. She looks at Bobbi, who is by her side, grabs Bobbies hand, and places it on her own wrist.

"You... You need to squeeze my wrist as... as hard as you can. I don't care if you break it." She said and we all look at her confused.

"What?" Bobbi asked and Skye just looked her in the eyes and nodded. Bobbi grabbed Skyes wrist and squeezed. I could tell she didn't want to hurt her because she was shaking her head. After a couple seconds, Skye was able to take a few breathes and the shaking stops. Bobbi stopped squeezing Skyes wrist and just held it lightly, I could already see bruises around it and her wrist was slightly shaking. We all looked at Skye and she was still trying to stay calm.

"Skye, how did that help?" Simmons asked moving over to look at her wrist. Skye sighed looking at her.

"My Mo... I... The only way I know how to get control of my powers is to take breathes and imagine the room steadying." She explains. "The bullet made pain radiate throughout my whole body, so I couldn't take a breath. By Bobbi doing this..." She says nodding towards her black and blue wrist. "Caused the pain to focus on one area, so I could take a breath." She said wincing as Simmons turned her wrist.

"I don't think its broken, but its defiantly sprained." Simmons said and Bobbi opened her mouth to apologize.

"Don't Bobbi," Skye says before even turning towards her. "I told you to, so don't apologize." She said with a slight smile. I must admit, I am impressed with her quick thinking and attitude. Just then, Fitz speaks up.

"What if the strange ingredient made you lose control of your powers?" he said, and everyone starts to yell at each other. I look at Skye and can tell she is worried. She looks at me and nods for me to come closer. I walk up to her and she tries sitting on the edge of the bed. I stick my hand out to stop her, but she just shakes her head at me.

"You know they are right. I can't stay here and put your lives in danger."

"Skye, you have nowhere to go." I tell her and she smiles.

"I know there is a room that is built to help suppress powers. Let me at least go in there, I don't want to hurt anyone." She says and I can't disagree. I look at the others who are still arguing. Skye tries to stand up but slightly falters. I put her arm over my shoulder and help her out of the room. Surprisingly, No one noticed we left yet.

Bobbi POV

As everyone argues about it not being safe and what to do, I notice Skye and May slip out of the room, most likely heading to a separate room. I turn and sit where Skye previously was and the team turns to me and I just smile, "Wow, two minutes and you just noticed." I say and they all start yelling at me before Coulson steps up.

"Where are Agent May and Skye?" He asks trying to show his leadership. I just keep smiling.

"Turn around." I say and they all turn to see May standing in the doorway.

"If you weren't all fighting about what to do, you would have seen us leave." She says and looks at me.

"She wants to talk to you." I nod and leave to room to hear more yelling. I enter the room Skye was moved to and her back is to me.

"Are they still yelling?" She asks and I'm confused at how she knew I was in here.

"Um, yeah. They are just worried." I tell her and walk around so we are facing each other. "How did you know I was in here?" I ask her and she smiles. I can tell she is in less pain than before but it's not gone.

"Do you know how my powers actually work?" She asks me and I shrug. "Everything had its own energy, or vibration. I can sense every vibration in this room. So, when someone enters a room I'm in, that sense gets stronger." She explains and I am amazed.

"I didn't know that."

"Neither did I, my mother is the one who taught me to control and understand my abilities." She says and I smile, thinking of an Idea.

"So why did you want to talk to me?" I ask and her smile disappears.

"I know you will think of this sooner or later, or you probably already have, but I think my mother could help." She says and I nod. "the thing is, I don't actually know how to get there so,"

"I know how, I remember the rout." I say and she smiles.

Skye POV

Before Bobbi leaves my room, she says, "By the way, I don't doubt the team will be up here a lot." Which brings a smile to my face. She was right, about five minutes after she left, I hear footsteps, but they stop outside the door.

"You can come in Simmons." I say and I hear her enter.

"How did you?" She asks not finishing her sentence.

"Perk of powers." I say not wanting to explain it again.

"But, how did you know it was me?" She asks in her English accent, and I look up smiling.

"I knew you would be the first one to make sure I was alright." This makes her smile and she comes closer to hug me. I gladly hug her back and she sits next to me.

"You know you weren't the reason we were arguing." She says and I just sigh. "Yes, I was Simmons. And I get it, that's why I'm up here. I don't want to hurt anyone."

Hunter POV

I just open a beer as Bobbi walks past me and I grab her hand to stop her. "Hey, what's up with you and Skye?" I ask curious.

"Nothing, I just don't like seeing my team member hurt." She says and tries to walk away.

"Hey Bobbi, sit with me and have a drink." I tell her with a smile. She smiles back but shakes her head.

"I have something to do first." She says and walks off. I look at Mack, who is sitting across the couch from me giving me a judgmental look.

"What?" I ask and get up to follow Bobbi. I catch up to her and she has bags packed and a Quinn jet ready. "Whoa, where are you going?" I ask obviously getting on her nerves.

"To take care of something." She says and walks toward the jet.

"Well I'm coming with." I say and she stops walking.

"No, you're not." She says turning to face me.

"Why not? I don't want you going alone." I tell her and she sighs.

"I can take care of myself."

"I know that." And turn around defeated by the gorgeous blond. "Hey, Don't Die." I tell her as she walks on the Jet. 

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