Chapter 6 - Wounded

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Simmons POV

We get to my lab and Skye sits on my desk. I look at her side and can immediately tell it's a knife wound. "Skye, when did you get stabbed?" I ask her, wondering how long she had been like this.

She just shrugs and quietly says, "I don't know, I felt a sting but just didn't realize." she says and looks away.

"I'm gonna have to stitch it up." I say and sighs before nodding. I can tell she's tired and scared. When I'm done stitching her up, we just sit there for a bit in silence. "Skye, I'm really glad your back." I say with a hopeful smile. She looks at me and I see a slight smile appear on her face as well. Then she looks towards the door as Coulson walks in. I hear him sigh, looking directly at Skye. I don't know what it was, but they had a bond of some sort.

"Skye." He said calmly and she turns to him. "Thank god you are alright." He said and she just looks at him.

"Who knows?" She finally says something, but we aren't sure what she's asking. She must have seen the confusion on our faces because she asked again. "Who all knows what I am?"

"Skye, you, are still you." I say and Coulson steps forward.

"Only the members of this team. Speaking of, you need to meet the newest agents." Coulson said. I help Skye stand, and we walk to the Bus where everyone is there waiting. As soon as we enter everyone becomes quiet.

"Skye, glad to see you're okay." May says and nods her head. Skye and Ward just look at each other. I know they don't need to say a word to know what the other was thinking. Ward had a smile on his face but it didn't last long

"Skye, this is Agent Bobbi. She will be your partner for now." Coulson tells her and she nods as they shake hands. "This is Agent Hunter, and Agent Mack." Coulson finishes and the room fills with silence. Then, all of a sudden, Skye's eyes widen, and she turns to me.

"Simmons, can I borrow your phone? I need to make a call." She asks and I nod handing my phone to her and she walks out of the room. Leaving everyone wondering who she could be calling. We all look out the glass wall and try to hear what she is saying but can't hear anything. We can only see her worried face.

Skye POV

I take Simmons phone and leave the room. I quickly dial a number and wait for her to pick up. "Hello? She answers. I sigh and respond.

"Hi mom."

"Skye? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm with my team. I'm fine." I say fibbing a little.

"I was worried."

"I know, that's why I called. How's everything there?"

"We are fine. Lincoln misses you." She tells me and I can't help but smile. I look to my left and everyone is looking at me. My smile fades and I turn away.

"I will visit soon. I promise." I say before hanging up and walking back in the room. I hand Simmons her phone back. "Thanks." I say and turn around. "Hey, A.C. can I talk to you?" I ask and Coulson follows me out of the room, heading to his office.

"What is it Skye?" He asks.

"I don't have full control over my powers yet, and I don't want to hurt anyone." I say but he shakes his head.

"From what I saw, you know how to handle them and use them for the right purposes." He said and I smile.

"There's one more thing. I, um. I found my mother." I say and he smiles. I know I can't tell him about where I was or about the Inhumans there, but I told him all I could.

It has been three days since I came back to S.H.I.E.L.D. and my side has healed in a record-breaking time. That must be a perk that came with being a monster. Nothing seems the same as before, it's like the others think I'm a piece of glass. Everyone is being so cautious around me and I can see worry in their eyes. I don't know if it's for their safety or that I might leave.

I also noticed Ward has been avoiding me. He was so glad that I was back, but then he just, flipped a switch, and turned into the Ward he was when I first met him. Everyone but Coulson and May were in the kitchen, while I was in my room. I decide to go to the kitchen and try to 'bond' a little more.

As I walk up to the kitchen, I hear them talking and laughing but when I enter the room, they all turn to me and go quiet. I roll my eyes and sigh. "Okay, I know this is weird for all of you, but it's more for me. So, do me one, simple favor, and at least pretend you're not scared of me." I say and look at Ward. "Can I speak to you?" I ask and he follows me out of the room.

"What is it Skye?" Finally, in days he finally says my name.

"What's wrong? When I came back you were so happy and protective of me. Now you won't even look me in the eyes." I tell him and he looks up from the ground.

"Nothing's wrong." He says and turns to walk away. As he does, I see a black line on his arm.

"Ward, what's on your arm? Did you get hurt?" I ask walking up to him. He looks down at him arm and sees what I see, his eyes widening. "Are you okay?" I ask and he looks me in the eyes.

"Yeah, just forget about it." He says and goes to turn around, but I pull him back and roll up his sleeve to get a better look. I look at my hand to see there is makeup on it. I start to rub Wards arm putting the pieces together that there's makeup covering something on his arm. When I realized what he was hiding, it was too late. He already had an ICER pointed at me. The last word I got out was "HYDRA" and then, everything went black.

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