Chapter 9 - Psych

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Ward POV

She grabs my hand and I can't believe she still loves me. I thought she would never care for me again. Just as I was about to turn and give her a kiss, I feel a pain in my hand then arm. I look to see her twisting my arm behind my back. "Skye, what are you doing?" I ask confused.

"I would never join your side and become a Nazi." She said and I knew she would never love me. I try turning to face her, but she just twists my arm more.

"I'm sorry Skye." I say and knee her in her already hurt ribs.

Skye POV

I let go of his arm when he knees me in the ribs. "Damn it!" I cough. I turn to face him once I catch my breath. As I do, I see the gun he was talking about earlier raised towards me. I hear it go off and immediately raise my hand, but I was too late. The Bullet pierced my leg and I felt an unbearable pain as I collapse to the floor screaming.

Bobbi POV

We are cautiously searching the building and suddenly hear a scream. "That's Skye." Fitz said. I can tell she means a lot to this team because everyone wanted to come and save her, no one wanted to stay on the Bus. We all start running towards the scream and have to fight off four HYDRA agents before entering the room her scream came from.

Skye POV

"I begged you not to make me use this Skye." Ward said as he takes a step closer to me. "I admit, I was a fool to fall for that, but now I know your true feelings." He said taking another step. I hear commotion outside the room and can sense my team. I stand up, the best I could, with all my weight on my uninjured leg. "I know you will never love me, so in order to be a great and unstoppable HYDRA leader, I must." He said raising his gun towards me. As he does, I raise my hand and using the combination of both anger and pain, I search for every ounce of strength and vibration in this room. I hear the door slam open but ignore it. Absorbing more strength, I focus on Wards gun and each piece it's made out of. Slowly, his gun dissembles. First his magazine cartridge and bullets separate falling to the ground, Then the muzzle and firing pin come out, and soon his gun is in pieces on the floor. With Ward staring at me in shock.

I raise my other hand and he goes flying into the wall about thirteen feet behind him. I turn around to see my team staring. Each had their own expression. Some looked impressed, some looked scared, some just stared at me with blank faces. At this point I had used the last of my energy and can't handle the unbelievable pain. It seemed to be getting worse, and my leg just gave out. The worst part is that I fell on that leg, so I screamed in pain as it worsened.

Bobbi POV

We each pick off one by one until there are none left and burst through the door. We all stop when we see Skye standing across from Ward. He had a gun aimed at her and she had her hand up towards him. I notice she had all her weight on one leg and when I look closer, I see that she is bleeding badly from the other. I look over to Ward to see his gun being taken apart. Piece by piece it falls to the floor until there is just a pile of what used to be a fully put together gun. We all wince as we see and hear him smack against the wall behind him.

We didn't wince because we felt bad for him. No, we winced because it sounded like it hurt. He got what he deserved. We then look back to Skye who is wincing herself, but not at Ward. She drops to the floor screaming on impact. We all rush to her, but I notice I am the only one who saw her leg. I roll Skye onto her other side and take off my belt, wrapping it above the bullet wound and turn to see the rest of the team frozen, not moving just watching. "Simmons!" I yell to get her attention. "Get down here and help me!" I say and she does.

I look Skye in the eyes and through the pain and screams I still see the strong girl her team described her as before we met. She tries to say something, but I can't understand her since there is now blood coming from her mouth. "Bullet" She mutters, and I look at her leg again.

"Simmons, there's no exit wound." I tell her and look back at Skye to find her now unconscious.

Coulson POV

We got back to SHIELD, and Skye immediately went into surgery. She has been in there for nearly two hours. The whole team is here waiting to hear the news. I am the only one who notices Bobbi punch a wall. I walk over to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "Agent Morse, that is not going to help her." I say and she looks me in the eyes.

"No, but you know what would've? If everyone actually helped instead of standing in one place just staring. I may not have known her as long as the rest of the team but am I seriously the only one who still sees her as human?" she looks at me, and everyone else who had come over to see what the commotion was.

"Bobbi, relax. we were all just shocked." Hunter says making his way to the front.

"And you think I wasn't?" Bobbi says staring him in the eyes. "That was the first time I had actually seen her abilities with my own eyes. Yes, she is different, but she is still human. What she can do is amazing, and she knows how to use them right. You all should have helped me and Simmons instead of just staring!" She basically yelled at us all before pushing through us to talk to Simmons, who we didn't even realize was out here.

We gather around her and she sighs. "The bullet is none that I have seen before, but we got it out. She isn't conscious so nobody can see her yet. Since I'm on medical staff I can check in on her and I will let you know when she wakes." Simmons says.

We all gather around in the kitchen. Everyone sitting in silence no doubt thinking about what Bobbi had said. I look around the room and find Bobbi sitting, twirling her Batons. I walk up to her and she stops to face me. "I know I shouldn't have yelled at everyone. It's just she..." Bobbi says but I don't let her finish.

"No, you were right. We all just stood there. I think it was just that we were scared to see her in that position. She was always one of the strong ones and It just broke us seeing her screaming in that much pain." I tell her and she nods.

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