Chapter 8 - Skyeward

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Skye POV

As I open the door, I see Ward just standing there with an all too familiar smirk. "I have to say, that was a little disappointing. I thought it wouldn't take you that long." He says advancing towards me.

"Sorry, I kept you waiting." I say sarcastically and Wards smirk disappears. His fist comes flying at me, but I block it. He then kicks my feet out from beneath me and I fall to the ground headfirst.

"You were always the sarcastic one. That's about to change." He says as he steps over me and lifts me up by my hair. I wince as I'm forced to stand. I try to kick him in the gut, but he sees this coming and releases his grip on my hair to catches my kick. As I'm hopping on one leg, I can feel a surge through my body. I raise one hand to use my powers, but he grabs my wrist and twists.

I let out a squeal as I hear and feel my wrist crack. He releases my hand, lunges forward and we are wrestling on the ground. He gets on top and punches me in the stomach. It hurt like a bitch and I let out another scream. The next thing I feel is my head slamming against the cold concrete floor.

Ward POV

I roll off Skye panting. Man, that girl can fight, even without her powers. If she had used her powers, I would have lost. I look over to the unconscious beauty next to me. "I'm sorry Skye." I say to her knowing she can't hear me. I slowly stand up and pick her up bride style, looking over to see the guard that she had knocked out waking up. He looks at me and quickly stands up. "Henrik, is the room ready?" I ask him and he nods. I smile and walk out the door towards the room.

Simmons POV

We see everything. We see them talking, fighting, her screams, and eventually Skye laying on the ground. We see Ward talking to, Henrik I think his name is, asking about a room.

"Fitz Simmons, can you match the background or track the camera?" Coulson asks.

"We can try but all I saw was cement walls." I tell him as Fitz and I turn to work on the computers.

"I'll try to track the camera, but it's a very long shot."

"Okay, I'll set the background in our system and see if there is any matches. Skye would know how to do this faster." I say and he just nods.

Coulson POV

Fitz and Simmons get to work on locating Skye and the others look to me to order them something. "Hunter and Bobbi, go to the weapon room to find wards locker. Maybe he left something there that will give his location." I tell them and look at the others. "All you can do is help the others. Do anything you think will help finds Skye." I tell them and head to my office.

Skye POV

I wake in a glass room. There is no door, it's just a glass box. I sit up and wince at the pain in my stomach. I look at my sore wrist to see it has been wrapped. I lift the bottom of my shirt to see a badly bruised stomach. I wince with every breath I take, if I can take one. I lay back down, seeing it's the only way I can get a full breath, and stare at the ceiling.

I'm guessing about five minutes pass and I can breathe a little easier. I guess that's the only thing I am grateful about getting my powers. I sit up and look at a glass wall trying to think of an escape. 'If it's just glass, I can use my powers and break it.' I think to myself and stand raising my hands. I feel the usual surge through my body but then something that's never happened before. I fall to my knee cringing as an unbelievable pain runs through my body. When I lift my head back up, I see a shadow through the door. Ward. "Yeah, this is a special room. It makes you feel your own powers." He says with his hands behind his back.

Simmons POV

"I did it!" I yell and everyone rushes towards me. Coulson is the first one to speak up.

"Did you find them?" He asks quickly and I nod my head.

"I put the background in the database to see if it would match any buildings we have come across and I got a hit." I say as I turn the computer screen towards the rest of the team.

"This is where she is?" Hunter asks.

"Yes, 100% match." I tell him and Coulson turns to the team.

"Alright everyone, buckle up. We are going to get her." He says and we all head to the briefing room to go over the plan.

Ward POV

"This gun," I say as I reveal it from behind my back. "is called IPE, Incredible Pain Experience. It has a real bullet but is amplified so you feel three times the pain. Plus, I was told the bullets will hurt more if you are Inhuman. Please, don't make me use this Skye" I plead her really hoping I won't have to.

"What do you want with me?" She asks looking me straight in the eyes.

"You are special, I would never hurt you, unless you don't cooperate. Your gift is incredible, but I have orders to kill you. Join us and spare yourself." I tell her hoping she would take the deal. She just looks at me for a bit.

"Why do you have orders to kill me?" She asks and I look at the ground.

"Every HYDRA agent has his weakness. You are mine." I tell her and she looks away.

"I will join you." she says, and I look up to her. My heart pounds as a smile appears on my face. I turn around and push a button which makes a wall raise. She looks at me and smiles as she steps down and grabs my hand.

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