Chapter 7 - Traitor

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Coulson POV

I walk into the kitchen to tell everyone Fury is giving us the week off to welcome back Skye "Hey, where's Skye and Ward?" I ask and everyone looks at each other and through the hall.

"Skye wanted to talk to him alone for a sec. They went out there a while ago but haven't been back." Hunter finally says.

"Oh, Ok. Well, May already knows this, I came in here to tell all of you that we were given the week off. Fury said we deserve it and should take some time to welcome back Skye." I tell them and turn to go find Skye and Ward. I walk around the whole Bus and can't find them. "May, have you seen Skye or Ward?" I ask as May walks towards me.

"No, I haven't seen them at all today." She says and keeps walking. Then she turns around. "Is everything okay Phil? You look worried." She asks me and I shake my head.

"I've looked throughout the whole Bus and can't find them anywhere. Is the jet still attached to the bus?" I ask May.

"Give me a sec." She says and takes out her tablet and types something. "Um, it says the Jet took off 7 and a half minutes ago." She says and we both share a worried look before we run to the channel room to try to make contact. As we walk into the room, every monitor is the same. They all say, 'LIVE RECORDING' and show Skye tied to a chair.

Skye POV

As I lift my head, I see nothing but Gray walls. No windows, no doors. I quickly turn my head and regret it. My head begins to pound, and I shut my eyes to stop the spinning. When I feel the spinning stop, I open them once again. My eyes focus on a door and just to the right of it is a symbol I dreaded to see, Hydra. As I see the symbol, everything comes back to me. Ward is Hydra. I struggle in the chair and realize I am cuffed to the back.

Simmons POV

We are all talking about what we have planned for our week off when Coulson comes rushing in. "Everyone needs to get to the Channel room, now." Is all he said and ran back. I look at Fitz and we all ran after him.

"What is it Coulson?" Mack asks but doesn't need an answer when we all look at the monitors. There is just silence, as we see Skye struggling tied to a chair, and in the background is the HYDRA symbol. As soon as we all recognize what's happening, we all gasp.

Skye POV

I struggle for a bit before I sigh and close my eyes. 'I need to use my powers.' I tell myself. I take a breath and I feel a surge through my body. I focus it on my cuffs but instead of breaking free, I get a shocking pain starting at my wrists. I let out a small scream and soon it stops. I'm confused until I look at the cuffs.

Of course, these are the ones Fitz were working on, to prevent us from using our powers. At this point I know there is no way I'm going to get out of this. "WARD! GET OUT HERE YOU BASTARD!" I yell and hear the door open and light shine through.

"Well, there is no need for name calling or yelling." Ward says with a smirk on his face as he walks through the door.

"Screw you!" I yell at him and he shakes his head.

"Now now, our friends are watching." He says and points to a camera that I didn't notice before. "You look confused, let me explain." He teases, "I set up a live stream that goes from this camera, to the team. So, they can see everything that happens, and hear every scream." He says and I go quiet. "Now, from the scream I heard, I'm guessing you figured out that those are Fitz's cuffs." He turns to the camera and gives it a thumbs up. "To be honest, I didn't think they were going to work. but great job bud." He says to the camera then turns around to me.

"Why would you betray all of us? Betray me?" I ask trying to get him to soften up.

"I really don't want to hurt you." He says taking a step closer. "My mission is to get some of your blood, then kill you." He said and turned on his heal. He yelled out the door and a bigger man appeared through the door. "Watch her, I'll be back in a bit." He says and closes the door behind him.


"Ward is HYDRA?" I say as a question but know the answer.

"I never really liked him." Hunter says and we all look to him. "What, he always had to do everything himself."

"Not now Hunter." Bobbi says and he goes quiet.

"Why would he want her blood?" Coulson asked.

"Maybe the GH-325." Fitz said.

"No, that is way out of her system by now." Coulson says and we all continue thinking. I look at the monitor and see Skye's arm move slightly. I smile.

"What is she doing?" Hunter asked seeing the same thing I did.

"She's getting out of there." I say.

Skye POV

The guard hasn't moved, and I am getting impatient. I grab my left thumb with my right and close my eyes for a second. I wince as I feel a pop and the guard looks at me. I just sit there and stare him in the eye. He looks away and I slip my hand out of the cuff. I know I can't fight with a dislocated thumb, so I relocate it. The only issue is that the guard heard it.

He came running towards me and I moved, landing on the floor with a thud. He is way too big for me to fight so I put my arms in front of me and with my powers, I slam him against the wall. He falls to the ground in a thump and isn't moving. Then I feel the floor shake and land on my knees. I hear the camera fall over, but it doesn't break. I know the team can still see me because I can see a red light on the camera. Bringing my hands to my head, I rock back and forth. "Stop it, Stop it." I say out loud as more rocks fall and the ground won't stop shaking. I sit up and remember what my mother said, 'Take deep breathes, close your eyes, and focus on steading the room.' and I do just that. Soon the room stops shaking and I let out a huge sigh. I get up and run to the door, but Ward is standing there, arms crossed, and a smirk on his face.

Bobbi POV

I didn't think Skye knew how to get out of the cuffs, she surprised me when she did though, and she knocked a guy unconscious without even touching him. Everyone in the room looked terrified. Then the camera fell over and everything we were seeing was sideways. "Fitz, can you rotate the screen?" Coulson asked and Fitz just did it without answering. Skye was on the ground rocking back and forth. She mumbled something but none of us could hear. Coulson looked at Fitz.

"This is the best I got." He said and he heard the mumbling again but a little clearer.

"Play it again." Coulson ordered.

"What is she saying?" I ask.

"Stop it, Stop it." May said and looks at Coulson. I look back at the live screen and Skye is now sitting straight and the building is settling. I look at her eyes and can see how scared she is. She looks into the camera before getting up and running to the door. We are all happy, thinking she is going to get out, but as she opens it, Ward is there.

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