"The cake is the only thing missi-"

"And I put a lot of it together, so if if gets fucked up in any way, it's gonna be my fault," I rant, lighting up another smoke. I mean, Charlie did a lot too, but I picked the location, ordered the cake, picked out the decorator, and booked the activities.

Niall appears holding a beer. "Jesus Christ, you're about to pop a vessel. Seriously, I can see it clear as day on your forehead." I glare at him. "Okay, okay. You act like you forgot to mail the fucking invitations. He's not going to remember it anyway. So if there's no cake, then there's no cake. Just go with it. I'm sure he won't even notice."

I hate my friends.

I glare at him again. Hey, it's a better alternative to punching him in the face, no? Though a lot less satisfying. "Would you notice if you didn't have a fucking cake at your birthday party, Niall?"

"No, cause I'd be so shitfaced, that I'd-"

"Okay. Alright," Harry interrupts. "Niall, you're not helping my boyfriend calm down." He turns to me. "Everything's going to be fine-the bouncy house and racetrack are here, the party video is going with some rather adorable pictures of our son, the food looks great, the decorations look even better, there's an open bar, the favors are out, and it's a sun shiny day. And there's an open bar. And best of all, you match the party," he snorts. And I've gotta laugh a little at that.

I swear I didn't plan it. But somehow, when I got dressed this morning, I ended up putting on black jeans, a red beanie, a black t shirt and a black, gray, white and red plaid flannel with the sleeves cut off. And it just so happened to match the Cars theme of the party.

(And Niall, Harry and Liam wouldn't stop giving me shit over it.)

Niall nicks my cigarette while pointing behind me. "And look, here it is." I turn around to see two caterers- one carrying the small cake and the other carrying cupcakes I specifically picked out. I make my way over, instructing them where to put everything, relieved that that's one less thing that could go wrong.

I hear my phone chime in my pocket, and thinking that it's Charlie (like always), I immediately look at it.

But once again, I'm disappointed.

From: Genevieve

Hey, I'm sorry again.

I didn't mean to cause a problem between you and Charlie

I know today's Marley's birthday party, so I hope it goes well.

And I don't know why I do it, but I do. Well, actually, I do know why I do it. For the sake of Adrian-the only reason I'm even entertaining her at this point.

To: Genevieve

You can bring Adrian if you want.

But you can't stay

She texts back immediately, telling me okay, that's fine, she understands, blah blah, and asking what Marley likes, but I don't answer her, instead shoving the phone back in my pocket.

I take a look around the park. Everything's finally set up, and it's now going for three o'clock. You'd think I was planning his wedding given how on edge I am. A couple of kids have started to filter in, all from Marley's class. I'm pretty sure Charlie invited them all and I think most of them responded that they would be coming.

"Baba!" I hear, and I look around until I spot Marley charging for me. I kneel and hold out my arms just before he runs right into them. "I here! Mummy thoughted we was- we was gonna be late to da party, but we here!"

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