"I don't see why not?"

***Luke's POV***

"Don't you even think about it." Thomas warned under his breath noticing my hands had curled into themselves.

"What the hell is she waiting for?" I growled not moving my eyes away from the two who were chatting happily and occasionally she would burst into fits of laughter, turning her face away as if she were blushing. "I-"

"Sit." Thomas repeated more stern. "She's handling herself just fine, there's not much she can do in here, it's too risky." I could only glare at them from a distance before averting my gaze. 'Wait what the hell am I so mad for?! What do I care that he's making her glow like that? Her laugh sounds like a strangled seal anyways. And him! Trying to be all smooth, he's probably just like every other guy in here. Drunk perverts.'

"What did I miss?" Cleo bounded up to us breathless. Her hair was a bit out of place and she had sweat above her brow.

"Princess here's turning green. It's disgusting." Thomas grumbled.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that isn't just acting." Cleo watched them incredibly amused. My jaw clenched at her words and a smirk formed on her face. "Hey! They're getting up!" She grabbed both Thomas and me; we all watched them step onto the dance floor.

"She might be losing focus, she needs to get him outside!" Thomas was also becoming restless. He was too close to her as it was, but he continued to get closer. He leaned in and said something in her ear, reading his lips he had asked if she wanted something to drink. 'She's underage you moron!' Fay shook her head with a grin and they continued to dance.

"I'll go get her." Cleo laughed at me and I realized I had a tight grip on my hidden blade. She danced her way over to Fay and said something in her ear. The three seemed like they were coming to some sort of agreement and Cleo turned back smiling victoriously, though she returned alone.

"I thought you were going to get her?!" Thomas growled.

"He's going to walk her home in a bit and told me to go on ahead." She grinned, looping her arms in ours, dragging us out of the club. We waited in an alley a few blocks down for 15 minutes before I heard her laughter.

***Fay's POV***

"Now I gotta ask, what's a pretty little wolf like you doing outside a pack?" Patch looked down at me. I just shrugged, feeling small beside the tall twenty year old.

"I was born outside a pack and all my life it's just been my family and me. I don't see a need to be in one."

"How are you supposed to find your mate if you seclude yourself?" There was that word again...

"What about you then? You belong to a pack?" He let out a laugh.

"Guess I hit a nerve. Let me guess...bad break up?"

"Nope, we weren't even dating." My own words hurt but I refused to acknowledge the pain. "Just some idiot being a jerk, but it doesn't even matter."

"What do you mean? What happened?" He stopped and I felt the anger returning.

"He was a total jerk to me but then we started getting along. Then one day he kissed me and then literally kicked me out of his room telling me to stay away from him. So I am." I tried to seem nonchalant about it but I guess I didn't do a good enough job.

"And you liked him?" 'Well...'


"Well if he ever tries to hurt you again, I'll be right there to set him straight." His eyes looked gold with the light from the street lamp, his warm hand gently caressed my cheek. I felt myself blush and I could hear Sam's words from a few days ago when I teased him about the girl from the café. "You're too precious to be treated like that."

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