–End of POV-

"He just attacked me" I said crying into Jenny's pillow. I had managed to drive myself to her house. "I didn't understand. Especially since last night was so wonderful". I said wiping my eyes.

"What happened last night" Jenny asked me wanting to know if anything "happened" but still sounding concerned.

"We had dinner and talked and even shared a bed together" I told her. "We were intimate without being intimate and it was a good feeling" I told her. It was odd to me though. I had fallen asleep at Ben's house countless times, but it never felt like it did last night with Leo. 

"Do you realize what has happened" Jenny asked me. I shook my head. "You're falling in love with your fiancé" she stated. I fell silent.

"How could I be falling in love with someone who treated me so badly" I asked with tears coming to my eyes again.

"Well that's the thing about teenage boys" she told me. "At times, they're stupid" she continued. The two of us laughed and I felt my phone vibrate. "What up" Jenn asked me.

"Got a text from Leo" I told her

"Read it" she said.

"I'm sorry. Where ever you are come home please" I read aloud.

"You gonna answer it" Jenny asked me. I shook my head.

"Not now. Besides, didn't you say you just got 'Space Zomies 7" I asked her and she nodded at me. "So let's watch it" I told her. The two of us had sat down and watched the movie. Somehow one movie became three. We also watched 'Princess Bride' and 'Phantom Of the Opera'. By the end of the night I had received 7 text messages and 5 missed calls.

"Dude, you should at least tell him you're okay" Jenny said. She had a point. I pulled out my phone and sent him a text back.

"Quit sending text. I'm fine where I am" I sent back.

L: when will you be home?

Me: maybe later tonight. Maybe 2maro

L: Fine, But I am REALY sorry

Me: I know and just for the record Ben ISN'T my boyfriend. Don't be so jealous

L: O_o I'm not jealous.

Me: you sounded pretty jealous when I left the condo.

L: whatever 

I sighed and fell back on Jenny's bed. "Everything okay" she asked. I nodded.

"You know he was jealous of Ben" I told her. Jenny looked away from me. "What"

"Well I can kind of see why. I mean that doesn't give him the right to act like an idiot, but you and Ben are pretty close. I can see why he might be a little jealous" she told me.

"But why would Leo even care" I asked. Jenny slapped her hand to her forehead.

"You really can be oblivious sometimes my friend" she said.

"Well I must be, so give me some insight oh great one" I said mocking her.

"Leo has feelings for you" she said. My eyes grew wide. "Weather it is love, is not for me to say. Only he can tell you that, but I would bet money that somehow, in the time you two have lived together, he has developed something for you" she said.

"Wait a minuet. I thought you said Ben liked me" I pointed out. "I'm still skeptical about that one, but which is it" I asked her.

"There is no law that says that a woman can only have one suitor" she told me sarcastically. I snickered "What's so funny" she asked me.

"You said suitor" I said laughing. "How old are you" I asked still laughing. She hit me with one of her pillows.

"Shut up you young whipper snapper" she said like an old person. We laughed again and I retaliated with one of her other pillows. The two of us had gotten into world war III with pillows. Jenny had hit me so hard I fallen backwards on her bed and when I got up I couldn't find her.

"She must be planning a sneak attack" I thought. I thought I heard her coming up behind me but when I turned to look at her she wasn't there. Just then, I felt her throw a blanket over me from above. "Ariel attack" I shouted.

"Say Uncle" she told me as she continued to hit me with her pillow and laughing.

"UNCLE" I told her while I was laughing hysterically. The two of us lay on the floor. "Thanks Jenn" I told her. "I needed this".

"No problem. You're my best friend Nick" she said.

"You're mine too. Now I think its time for me to go and see my fiancé" I told her standing up. "Later" I said to her.

"Text me" I heard her from behind.

I got home and stood in front of the door. I hesitated, but I used my key to unlock it and walked in. I was surprised at what I saw. "Oh I knew it" I shouted as soon as I walked through the front door. I found Leo sitting on the couch watching my box set of Glee. He looked up at me and scrambled for the remote. "It's too late" I told him "You've been caught red-handed" I told him with a smile on my face. I could see him blush.

"It doesn't matter because it wasn't within the three weeks I gave you" he tried to defend himself. I shook my head.

"So what? You, Leo, are a Gleek" I told him. "I suspected when I found the DVDs out of place, but this takes the cake" I said. Leo stood up and laughed with me. He came up to me and hugged me. I stood there and just took it in. he held me close and I could hear his heartbeat. It was kind of soothing. I looked up at him and he looked back at me. They were different somehow. They seemed strong yet soft. It was if they were hiding something, but desperately wanted to let it out. I kissed him on the cheek and made my way towards the bedroom. "I'm really tired, so I'm going to bed" I told him. "Good night" I told him with a smile.

It was about 2:30 in the morning when I was awakened by the sound of bed springs moving. I rolled over and saw Leo climbing into bed with me. He moved closer to me and I let him. It made me feel safe and wanted. I may have been half asleep when it happened, but there was something I didn't have to be half asleep to tell. Weather he felt the same way or not, I was in love with Leo. I knew that he had a girlfriend, but I didn't care. Since he's engaged to me, technically, Kathrine was the other woman. I smiled and went back to sleep.

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