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It wasn't okay; Nothings ever okay when your world is filled with death like this. By the time we got home it was morning and I was planning to run straight upstairs but Scott sat at the dining room table and stared straight ahead; pain radiating off his body. I walked over to him and sat in the chair next to him ,wrapping my arms gently around his body and just like that Scott fell apart leaning in to me and crying full on ; Scott grabbed my arm as tears slipped down his face , I placed a kiss on his head to let him know I'm here. That's when I knew that we had to live like normal teenagers because if we couldn't stay strong who would?

The next day we went back to school. I held Stiles hand as we walked down the passage Scott by my side." Dude you're totally 3rd wheeling " Stiles commented kissing my cheek as Scott looked taken back; I smiled knowing if Stiles was cracking jokes we'd be alright , " I'm 3rd wheeling with my two best friends? That's one you don't hear every day" Scott laughed as he walked off to his locker. We passed Malia with coach as I smiled at her which she returned; we walked further to see Lydia and Kira standing at Lydia's locker, Kira greeted us with a smile but Lydia looked at mine and Stiles hands and winked intending something else.

After school Scott and I tried to teach Malia how to change slowly. I sat on Scott's bed leaning on Stiles while he wrapped his arms around my waist; Scott pulled out his claws and then me. Malia tried but failed she looked very disappointed, "Don't worry, don't think about it too much" I said smiling," Just try to make it happen" Scott said after, and with one swipe of her hand down her claws came out. She let out a happy scream as she flung her arm around nearly scraping mine and Stiles face; I was happy for her things were finally working out here.

Stiles drove Malia home and after took me to his place. I sat on his bad as he removed all the pictures and wool from his wall. I crossed my legs, placing my elbows on my knees and resting my chin on my hands as I smiled at him. "Hey, whatcha doing?" Papa Stilinski asked, "Ummm just clearing my head " Stiles said as his dad smiled widely and gave me a friendly wink before walking away. Stiles looked sadly at the board and sighed as he took the last note off. I stood up and wrapped my arms around the back of him , placing my head on his shoulder ; " I want to take you somewhere" I whispered in his ear and he turned around raising his eyebrow at me as a cute devilish smirk plastered his face.

We drove out in to the forest; I told Stiles which way to go and soon we reached a small clearing with a lake. I jumped out the car and grabbed a blanket from the back" I use to come here with my parents when I was younger, I'm not really sure how I remember it ... I haven't been here since I've left , it's kind of painful " I said placing the blanket on the ground under a tree near the water. Stiles grabbed my waist and my cheek as he pressed his lips to mine." God, I've missed us "He whispered once he pulled away. I pushed away from him and smiled, "Want to go for a swim?" I asked, "But I didn't brin..." Stiles started but stopped when he saw me take my shirt off, "Okay " he said taking his shirt off rather hastily. I climbed out of my pants and ran to the water's edge. "C'mon Stiles!" I yelled as he ran over to me, picking me and running in to the water. I laughed as my hair stuck to my face; I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso and placed my forehead on his. " Never leave me again Stiles " I whispered closing my eyes as I let everything surround me with joy , " Do you really love me? " He asked out of nowhere , " Yes " I replied softly feeling embarrassed about saying it , " I love you " He whispered , " Your timing couldn't have been any better " Stiles said , " I would have given up without you " Stiles muttered , " Oh c'mon you cheese ball ! It's getting dark! "I said as Stiles walked out the lake with me still wrapped around his body.

He let me go, I grabbed my clothes and the blanket and ran to the Jeep before I climbed in the back seat; Stiles followed suit." Want to have a jeep camp out?" Stiles asked smiling all goofy like." With you? Noh" I said and Stiles smiled , " I'm rubbing off on you hey " He said leaning in for a kiss as my back hit the back seats of the Jeep and Stiles lips connected with mine I felt like it was right and that everything was falling in to place. Our lips moved in sync but I was cold and I cursed my body for not being strong enough when I let out a shiver; Kind of like the first night we sort of spent together." Are you cold? "He asked pulling away and wrapping me in the blanket and then in his arms, it didn't really help we were still in our wet underwear but Stiles had a way to make me feel special. I pouted and he looked down at me confused, "What's wrong?" He asked, "You still haven't taught me how to play chess" I said, he laughed then brought his lips down to mine holding a lingering kiss. " Goodnight " He whispered , " Goodnight , Stilinski " I said as I realized Stiles would actually sleep tonight and those dark circles under his eyes would vanish , I would have Stiles back. I love him and he loves me; I love is and forever will be timeless.


Timeless. (A Void Stiles Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now