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"Stiles is out of Eichen and they don't know where he is?" Allison asked walking up to me which I answered with a nod.

"We need to tell my dad" She said.

"No! That would be the absolute worst thing to do right now "I said raising my arms in the air; I sounded exactly like Stiles and it made me miss him even more.

"Stiles' mind is being taken over by a demon Kitsune and you don't want help from people who know what they're doing? "Lydia asked.

"I don't want Stiles to get hurt" I muttered out seemingly pathetic.

"He's left people severely injured and others severely dead" Lydia muttered again and I shot my head around to look at her as my lip quivered.

"Lydia you know as much as me that Stiles doesn't have the mental capability to even harm a fly" I said holding back tears.

"Its okay, we're going to find him. You're strong enough and you can do this" Allison said hugging me as Lydia sighed and pulled me in to a hug as well.

"Stilinski finally got a good one" She said softly which made me smile.


After much debate we called Allison's dad who told us to go gather all the non - lethal weapons in the house; Chris arrived later with the sheriff and Derek.

They made a plan; Derek and Chris to Eichen house and Allison, Sheriff and I to the hospital, then we all meet up at the school. We packed our bags with the needed weapons and headed to our destinations.

When we arrived at the hospital we headed straight to the elevator; I noticed Allison looked dead and I couldn't read any emotion off of her. It's like when we're around other people she puts up this barrier to make herself look strong. There was a long silence until Sheriff spoke "I don't know how you guys do it, you're so strong, fearless; How do you even manage to keep your grades up?".

"I am failing econ" Allison said.

"Is that Coaches class? Well I'll have a talk with him" Sheriff said and then it hit me Allison's sadness and fear radiated off of her body. Sheriff stopped the elevator as her eyes watered over.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked as Allison slowly shook her head.

"I'm not fearless... I'm ter-terrified. I'm always terrified , I act like I know what I'm doing but I don't" Allison paused before she started again " I don't know if Isaac is dyeing right now, I should have stuck with Scott, I don't know what my dad is thinking, I don't know if we should trust Derek . I don't know, I don't know! I don't know anything "Allison said as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

Sheriff grabbed her and hugged her, "You know what's funny? You sound just like a cop "Sheriff said as Alison let out a low laugh.

I placed a reassuring hand on her back." Hey... You're going to be okay " He said and that promise made me flinch because in Beacon Hills nothing is ever okay.


Sheriff's phone vibrated, "What was that?" I asked.

"The Security system I put in after Stiles started sleep walking. Motion sensors, cameras... Its telling me someone is trying to break in to my house" Sheriff frowned at his phone.

A picture popped up of Stiles bedroom as he sat on the bed lifting his hand and waving his fingers in small motions towards the camera.

We called everyone and headed back to Stiles house only to see he wasn't there anymore. Chris walked over to the chess board.

"What is all this? What are these sticky notes for?" He asked Sheriff but I spoke up.

"Stiles used this to tell me about all the super naturals in Beacon Hills and how you guys all fit in with one another".

"Maybe it's a message from Stiles? The real Stiles" Allison said questionly. I picked up a piece lying on the side and noticed it read Isaac; I put it down quickly before Allison could see.

"Is there any reason why my names on the king?" Derek asked and as much as I despise this guy I have to bear with him as he is trying to help with Stiles.

"Well you're heavily guarded but I guess the one alarming thing is ... You're one move away from being in check mate" Sheriff said.

"It's not a message from Stiles, it's a threat from the Nogitsune" Chris spoke up.

"He wants us at the loft" I said looking at them...But it's night fall! This couldn't sound anymore like a trap" I muttered after.

"I don't think it is" Sheriff said.

"I think your opinion could be slightly bias Sheriff "Chris said.

"Hear me out! What we're dealing with here is basically someone who lacks motive. No rhyme no reason, right?" Sheriff said.

"Meaning what?" Chris asked.

"Our enemy is not a killer it's a trickster, the killing is just a by product" Sheriff said.

"If you're saying it won't kill us I'm not feeling too confident about that" Derek spoke up.

"It won't, it wants irony. It wants to play a trick, it wants a joke. All we need to do is come up with a new punch line" Sheriff Spoke.

"That's some setting Sheriff. What do you have in mind? "Chris asked as Sheriff sighed and looked down at the chess board yet again.


We all left for the loft but only Sheriff and I were let it. We swung the door open to see Stiles staring out the window like an empty vessel. He turned around slowly to look at us; his facial expression soft.

"Hi Haley, Hi dad" Stiles said looking ashamed. What frightened me the most was that I couldn't pick up on any emotions yet his heart beat remained steady.

Timeless. (A Void Stiles Fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now