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It's been 2 hours since I've been sitting on the same sofa with head pounding with migraine as I put the third capsule of Calpol in my mouth. I gulp it with water and get up from the sofa to walk out in the lawn to search for my friends. I get up and feel as if the whole world is spinning around me. It's hard to even walk due to this stupid migraine. Man. It was indeed a bad idea to come! Honestly. I see Suzanne and Jason sitting on the bench at the end of the lawn.

"Did I disturb you guys?" I'm sure my eyes have swollen up now. "Shall I come later?"

"Oh no no. Was just sitting here remembering the day when I first met Suzanne." He remembers all of it that means! Suzanne is so happy!

"You remember it right? I saw the smirk on your face in the car. I understood that you're planning something." I hug Suzanne and Jason and feel their smile widening.

Suzanne pulls back. "You don't seem fine. Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Just another migraine attack. I'll be fine. Don't worry. You guys carry on. I'll see you around." I walk away from them and see Austin waving at me, indicating to come over to him. He's standing with his group at the nearby bench and I walk towards them. "Hey Austin. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Just wanted to introduce you to my friends. This is Jim." A sturdy boy with black hair gives me a sweet smile and I return the same. "This is Louis and Neil." They wave energetically and I smile at them too. "And this is Elena." I laugh at meeting Austin's crush remembering the day when Austin told us about her. "And guys. this is Ally."

"It's nice meeting you guys. Please excuse me. I'm kinda feeling down. I'll catch up with you all later. Bye." They allow me to leave and I walk to the backyard which is totally isolated. I sit on one of the benches and rub my arms to warm myself from the cold wind. I shut my eyes and start taking deep breaths to provide enough oxygen to my pounding brain.

Elena, Neil, Louis and Jim come over to me as Elena sits down on the bench next to me. "Hey. Are you okay Ally? You don't seem so." Elena asks, her face expressing something totally different. Something's definitely not right.

"I'm good. Thanks." Elena gives a very weird smile. "Don't worry." I just smile at her.

"Here. Have some water." I look at the glass she's holding not sure if it's simply water or something else.

"No. I don't want water. I'm good. Thanks."

"So. Tell me something about your family." Elena hopefully asks it out of curiosity. After explaining her the whole tragedy that happened with Shelly and me, I just give her a smile, not at all regretting of what happened in past. Coz That got me here and I got friends like Suzanne, Jason, Jeremy, Austin. Of course, Elena, Jim, Neil and Louis. You see everything that happens, happens for something good. "Hmm. According to what you just told me, don't you think its all your fault in all that happened lately? I mean, if you wouldn't have left Phoenix just like that, probably your mom and dad-"

"What are you trying to say Elena?" I prevent Elena from saying any further. "They died of an accident. How is that related to my moving here?"

"I'm telling the truth sweetheart. Just think. Your parents died just after you guys shifted here. Probably they were out to search for you two when they met with that accident. Just think about it. If you hadn't left your house at the first place, they would've been alive today. Don't get me wrong. I'm just telling you the truth." Maybe she's right. Of course. mom-dad's sudden death, all made a very negative effect on Shelly, Andrew and Sarah. Reason? Just that I wanted  normal life? Away from all the boundations and compulsions? No. This isn't just good enough. The actual reason is me. Elena is right. It was a stupid decision on my part to run away. Especially taking Shelly along. "If you ask me, you should stay away from Shelly and your friends too. Or else there are chances of you causing harm to them. I'm sure you don't want to ruin all of their lives do you?"

the BAD BOY and ALLYOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz