Final Touches

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"Are you sure the table settings look okay?" Katelyn asked me.

"They are perfect Katelyn." I said. "Just like the last table settings you had there."

"I don't know. Maybe I should change them again." Katelyn said, looking at the tables.

"Katelyn I love you, but I swear if you change those table setting one more time I am going to sock you." I said. "They are perfect."

"I just want everything to be perfect." Katelyn said.

"And it is. I promise you the wedding will go off perfectly just like you planned it right down to the end of it." I said. She just smiled and nodded at me. "I will see you in a bit."

"Alright. Have a good session." Katelyn said. I just nodded and left. Katelyn knew where I was going and why.

I walked into the building. The walls were painted an musky white color with framed paintings everywhere. Green chairs neatly against one wall. The was a small section in the corner that held toys for children, small kid books, old magazines months out of date. It was a regular office.

"Can I help you miss?" a small woman behind a large desk asked. The name plate in front of her said that her name was Paige Warner.

"Um.. hi. I-I I h-have an appointment." I said.

"You don't need to be nervous." she said, smiling. "Your name?" she asked.

"Cassandra Belt." I said. She typed away on the keyboard and then looked at me. "Alright, you can have a seat and the doctor will see you shorty. He is in with another patient."

"Thank you." I said. I went over to where the chairs were and sat down, picking up an old magazine on my way. I flipped through the pages as I waited for my turn.

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