I Can't Believe You Dustin!

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"You are doing what?!" I asked.

"I am putting a restraining order against Kendall so he can't come near us." Dustin said.

"Why?" I asked. "Do I have to remind you that he is your best friend?"

"Do I have to remind you that I told you to stay away from him?" Dustin said.

"You are over reacting." I said. "We only did it once." 

"Once is more then you should have." Dustin said. He continued to drive and soon we were parking in front of LAPD.

"Please don't do this." I begged. Dustin didn't say anything. He just got out of the car and walked into the building. I waited with tears going down my cheeks. I can't believe he is actually doing this. He is really putting a restraining order against Kendall.

Half an hour later Dustin came out with a piece of paper. I took it from his hands and read what it said out loud.

Kendall Schmidt is permitted to stay 200 feet away from the following. Dustin Belt, Katelyn Thompson, and Cassandra Belt.

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