✧ best christmas gift ever.

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sorry if this is confusing but i open my gifts on christmas eve after dinner so ya #mexicanaf

this is a request from hellen the hoe btw

enjoy my lil cute beans :D

[not edited]


Calum is a nervous wreck. He can feel his hands becoming sweaty, his heart beating so fast against his chest he's sure it's trying to rip out of it. It was Christmas Eve, and he's sure his gift is perfect. Luke had been throwing hints about it here and there and Calum counted down the days for this. He was nervous, sure, but he was excited too. He and Luke didn't live together, yet, so the thought of waking up to the sun setting in Luke's eyes made his hands shake, his heart skip a beat, knees wobble, chest erupt in butterflies. Luke was standing there, laughing at something funny Ashton said, and he looked so beautiful – he always did. It's funny how a slight curl from the right lips could be all the grace he'll ever need.

"Okay, everyone!" His mother enters the room along with Luke's mom, both holding a glass of wine. "It's time to open the presents!"

Calum feels his throat go dry at the mention of the gifts. Suddenly, his worries come back and his stomach starts swirling with no longer butterflies, but nervousness and insecurity. What if Luke isn't actually ready for this kind of commitment? What if he isn't ready for this kind of commitment with Calum?

Before he could think of anything else, Luke plops down on his lap, making the bad anxious thoughts go away. Calum's arms instantly find their usual spot around Luke's waist and he places a kiss on the back of his neck. Luke has this strange way of making the bad things fade and putting him into ease.

"This is my favorite part of the day," Luke says, a toothy grin on his face. He turns around to face Calum, his legs on either side of Calum's hips and his arms around his neck.

"You're my favorite part of the day. Of any day," Calum murmurs, truthfully, lovely. He runs his fingers down Luke's back, stopping just above the swell of his ass; he doesn't have time for disapproving (but fond) looks from his mom.

"Cheesy," Luke giggles and places a kiss on Calum's lips. "But I like it."

Calum stares into Luke's eyes while everyone opened the gifts. He knew Luke liked to watch, but the blonde didn't seemed to mind one bit. Luke's eyes weren't just blue, many colors faded into one; sometimes they cried and sometimes they smiled, but they always had the power to console Calum that everything will be alright.

A lot of gifts later, it was Calum's turn to give Luke's gift. Luke hadn't give Calum's because it was kind of personal. (He may or may not have gotten a bit hard at that.)

He took a deep breath and told Luke to get up, before taking his hand and guiding him to the center of the room where the tree and their family was. He bent down to grab the little wrapped gift from under the tree, before turning back to face Luke, who was biting his bottom lip in excitement.

Calum gulped down the knot on his throat and handed him the box with shaky hands and weak knees. The world seemed to spin in slow motion since then and Calum was anxious to see Luke's reaction, but at the same time he wanted to run as fast as he could into his room and hide under the covers. He and Luke may have been together for three years, but he still worried about Luke not wanting to spend the rest of his life with him.

Luke's soft voice snaps him out of his thoughts, a quite laugh laced at the end his words. "A Christmas sphere?" He holds it up for everyone to see and everyone laughs when one of Jack's kid screams 'boring!'. Calum laughs along, but he's dying inside.

"Open it, love." Calum whispers while biting his lip. Luke raises an eyebrow and opens the sphere like a box. His blue eyes widen at the sight of a shiny diamond ring. He almost drops the sphere if it wasn't for Calum taking it from him. Gasps are heard from people around the room, but Calum could only focus in no other thing than Luke's eyes.

"Luke, honey," He exhales. It's hard to speak without stuttering with everyone's eyes on you, but he gives it a try; he can't fuck up. "I'm really trying to not cry right now. You look so beautiful." This causes everyone to let out bunches of aw's. He hears his brothers mutter whipped!' and he laughs. It seems like Luke is trying not to cry, too and he feels a little bit better at knowing that he's not the only emotional one.

"We've been together for more than three years now and there is nothing else that I want more than to be with you." Luke's eyes were like clocks that seemed to stop the minute you stared into them; the universe halted, all things began to breathe each other's stillness. To Calum, it was a simple, blue eternity. And he wanted it.

"I want to hold you on a cold night, and wake up to your pretty face on a Saturday morning. I want to wrap my arms around you and taste the tantalizing feel of your skin. I want to fall asleep to the sound of your voice and wake up to the beauty of your smile. I want to kiss you from head to toe and drown in your carefree laugh. I want you, in your entirety, and I want to love you endlessly until there's nothing left inside of me."

By the time he gets on his knee, a sea of tears is already flooding from Luke's eyes and traveling down his cheeks. He wants to hug him and wipe the tears away, but he still has to finish his speech. With a deep breath, he says the words he has been practicing every night on his head.

"Please, marry me?" He doesn't even have time to process Luke's answer, because the blonde is already jumping on top of him, almost tackling him to the ground. Judging by everyone's cheers and his mother's cries, he guesses he said yes. He holds the back of Luke's thighs tightly, still holding the gift on his hand, while Luke cries on the crook of his neck, his mouth leaving wet kisses all over.

And Calum could stay up all night writing, trying to find the right words to describe this feeling. But he could never put into words how Luke makes him feel. Nothing he thinks about can do his feelings justice. All he knows is that whenever Luke is around, he feels better about everything. Their love is like the summer, where Luke is the daily rain that makes Calum's internal flowers bloom. Luke's like the sun shining on his bare arms, making Calum feel all warm and happy inside. Luke's the cool air that calms him down. Luke is everything that makes him happy.

Calum puts him back down after a while and places the ring around his finger. It looks just right, like it belongs there; and it does. Luke's smiling so big and Calum never wants him to stop.

"This is the best Christmas gift ever," Luke says, looking down at the ring on his finger. Calum can't keep his eyes off of him.

"Being able to spend this Christmas with you is the best Christmas gift ever," Calum says, taking Luke's chin on his hand, making him look up at him. "You are the best Christmas gift ever."

Luke rolls his eyes fondly and kisses him with so much love Calum can feel it under his skin and on his bones.

"Shut up, you dork."


ughagshshs im so sorry for that

hey but smut soon ! :D ;D



– sophie

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