✧ snowfights and cuddles.

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"ok what about something snowball fight and then they make cocoa together and cuddle by the fireplace"

okay, i really do suck and i apologize

sorry if this comes out crap (which it totally will) i promise you will get your smut on the weekend.. maybe even sooner, hopefully

anyways enjoy and vote and have a very nice day/night :-D

(not edited)


"You are an asshole, Calum Hood!" Luke scowled and sticked his bottom lip out as he brushed the icy snow off of his coat sleeves and collar while Calum stood a few feet away from him laughing uncontrollably, making Luke's eyebrows furrow together.

Luke folded his arms across his chest and shoot a glare to Calum. "You think this is funny?"

Calum laughed on his palm and Luke waited until his laughs turned down into giggles to speak again. "You truly are an asshole."

Calum makes a funny face. "Don't look at me like that."

Luke huffs. "You threw snow at me. And it's freaking cold!"

Calum quirks an eyebrow and a smirk finds it's way to his face. "Oh poor Luke–"

He gets cut off by a snowball lading on his face. Luke smiles proudly when he see's Calum's cocky face twist into annoyance. He pats his back mentally and grins back at Calum, who has a stern look on his face. The tan boy brings a mitten-covered hand up to his face and brushes off the snow.

"Okay, that was just rude." Calum frowns and bents down, gathering some snow on his hand before standing back up again, his smirk returning. Oh no.

Luke already knows what's coming but he still decides to tease a bit. "No, you look cute with snow on your face. It suits you."

Calum raises an eyebrow, taking a few steps towards Luke. "Yeah? I wonder how snow would look on your hair.."

Luke gasps. "Don't you fucking dare, Calum! I will kill you!"

"Aw, babe, c'mon," Calum shrugs. "I think it'd look pretty.."

"Get away from me!" Luke cries out.

Calum smiles in an eerily cat-like manner (like the cat in Alice in Wonderland), and before Luke could react, Calum had already pounced at him. Luke shrieked and ducked his head, but he wasn't fast enough. He could feel the coldness dripping down his scalp. It was all wet. Luke yelped. Calum had actually smashed a fistful of snow to his head! And now his two-hours-in-the-loo blonde hair was damp and tousled and limp. Calum started laughing again and Luke sent a glare his way.

"Calum Thomas Hood," He shouted, making Calum look at him with slight surprise. "You are going to pay for that!"

"Oh?" Calum smirked once again. "I'd like to see you try, babe."

Luke rolled his blue eyes. "Yeah, see me try this!"

He reached down to scoop a few handfuls of snow. Yes, Calum was going to regret messing with his hair. He sprang back up but the older boy was nowhere to be seen. Luke frowned. What the hell?

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