✧ blue christmas.

390 40 63

im not gonna tell you the plot of this but you'll probably figure it out quick

ps. this was lauren's idea not mine so kill her not me

enjoy! :-)

[not edited]



Calum tapped his fingers anxiously against the steering wheel as his mind was a see of endless thoughts that never seemed to stop. He had exactly forty seven minutes to buy all the gifts he didn't, and go back to he and Luke's house to pick him up. He wanted desperately to smash his head against the concrete. How the hell do you stop procrastinating? Can you even stop? He doesn't think he can. Especially when he has a blonde beauty living with him that loves to walk around the house with nothing but one of Calum's shirt on.

Talking about the devil, his phone starts ringing, Luke's pretty face popping on the screen and making his nerves intensify. Luke didn't like to arrive late to anywhere; he always wanted to be the first one to arrive. He sometimes got on Calum's nerves for the same reason and they would fight, but they ended up having angry sex an hour later.

Luckily, his car had all that Bluetooth shit, so he didn't have to grab his phone. He pressed 'answer' on the little screen of the car (a/n: bitch i don't know shit bout cars ok my dad has all this shit so) and waited for Luke's voice to ring on his ears.

"Calum? Babe, where are you?" Calum contained a sigh. The worry in Luke's voice was evident and he wanted nothing but to just get home. "You know we have dinner at my mom's, right?"

Calum stopped at a red light and let out a sigh of relief when his eyes caught sight of the mall. "Yes, honey. 'M sorry, something very important about work came up. I'll be there soon, okay?" He definitely wasn't going to tell Luke he forgot to buy some gifts. You didn't want to see Luke angry.

"Hurry up, please," Luke said. "And be careful. I love you."

Even through a call, Luke's 'I love you' still managed to warm Calum's heart.

"I love you too, sweetie."


Calum checked the time. Twenty one minutes to get home and change. He was fucked. And the traffic wasn't really helping his situation. He had already mentally punched himself 10 times today and right now he was seriously thinking about actually doing it.

"Fuck," He said under his breath. He didn't really wanted to disappoint Luke nor his family, but he was probably going to. He let out a long sigh and rested his head on the steering wheel until the honks from the cars behind him brought him back to reality.

"Shut the fuck up," He grunted.

He checked the time again. Fifteen minutes. Luke must be going crazy by now. Calum is going crazy. Why the fuck is there so much traffic on Christmas? Shouldn't everybody be at their homes?

And just to his luck, another fucking red light. He rubbed his temples with the pads of his thumbs. Thirteen minutes. If he wanted to make it on time, he had to go now.

And that's how, with a simple fuck it, his life ended.



Luke sat quietly on his seat, his heart on his hands. He watched how it started disintegrating, disappearing completely from his sight. Calum was gone, and he had taken every single little piece of Luke with him. The pain was unbearable.

"We're saying goodbye now, sweetie," His mother places a hand on his shoulder, making him flinch. He doesn't bother to wipe his cheeks, he knows he'll cry again. He stands up and walks slowly, hoping that this was only a sick joke.

"I'll leave you to it," His mother smiles, but he knows it's forced. He can hear Calum's mother crying in the background and it breaks his heart a little bit more.

He turns to face Calum. Even lifeless and with cuts all over his face, he still manages to look as beautiful and alive as ever. His eyes are closed and his eyelids rest on his flushed cheeks. Luke has never felt so empty.

"You fucking idiot," He whispers, a waterfall of tears sliding down his cheeks. He runs a finger against Calum's cheek; his skin is still soft. "What were you thinking?" He choked out. "What am I gonna do without you?"

The memory of Calum stings on his mind stronger than ever.

Calum in the morning; the sun shining through the kitchen window and dancing across his teeth when he laughed. Calum at night; moon dust in the corner of his eyes, brightening every time he caught sight of Luke. He used to blush every time Luke caught him. Calum in his drunken daze; would not look away, his retinas fenestras to the yawning abyss beneath his skin. Laughter escaping his mouth so readily, tripping over his feet and words. He was all hands and mouth; sometimes too much mouth.

The shape of his mouth when he drank coffee. The shape of his mouth when he was smiling, laughing, kissing. His hands on Luke; on his hair, on his waist, on his thighs, on his neck. The color of his eyes when the sun was setting.

But now they are gone, and Luke had nothing. Calum will not come back, but his soul will always shine with hope that one day he will see him again.

He kissed Calum goodbye and whispered a quiet 'I love you', not hearing it back for the first time.


this was so bad im sorry im sitting beside my mom and i had to look over at her every 5 minutes to make sure she wasn't watching

only two (or maybe just one. i just wanna get over with this already) one shots more and YOU ARE FREE FROM THIS !!!!!!

happy new year to y'all i love u lots and remember to always smile even if there's no reason to do so :D (that made no sense)

- sophie

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