✧ christmas mornings.

410 51 96

"maybe where cake have a child and they spend their christmas together"

this is shit :D

enjoy !

[not edited]


"Can you stop kissing? We're trying to have a good time here!" Ethan cried out, covering his face with his little chubby hands.

Luke giggled against Calum's chest at his younger son and placed a final kiss on his lips, before turning his attention back to the kids.

They had two kids; Ethan, who was five years old, and Gracie, who was fifteen. Ethan was like Calum's twin; jet black hair, big and large chocolate eyes, wide nose and the same smile – crinkled eyes and dimples. Gracie was the exact opposite, she looked exactly like Luke; sunshine hair, perfect defined nose, high cheekbones, thin lips and the same bloody deep ocean eyes that that makes you wanna drown in them.

Calum hushed Ethan and pinched the side of Luke's waist, placing an open-mouth kiss on his neck. Ethan fake gagged and Gracie threw a cushion at them.

"Hey, that's rude!" Calum said, his eyebrows knitting together. Luke laughed on his neck and Gracie just simply rolled her eyes while Ethan laughed hysterically.

"You've been sucking each-other's faces for like ten minutes since we got downstairs. Can we open the gifts now?" She whined, a pleading look on her face. She did the same face Luke did in bed when begging for Calum's touch. Calum shook his head.

Calum hummed and placed a quick kiss on Luke's lips. "Okay, you can open them now."

While the kids unwrapped their gifts, Luke snugged closer to Calum on the couch and placed a kiss on the skin below his earlobe; one of Calum's sweet spots. "I'll give you your present tonight." He whispered, voice soft and sweet. Calum swallowed back a moan and nodded. He decided not to think about anything involving Luke in panties and their bed. Not a good time to get a boner.

He focused his attention on the kids, laughing when Ethan hit Gracie on her shoulder with his new action figure.

"Stop it, you wet sock!" Gracie said and flicked his forehead, making Ethan fake-cry. Gracie rolled her eyes at her brother and continued unwrapping her gift. It was a big box, and she was excited at what could be inside of it.

"Oh my god, you fucking didn't!" She squealed at the sight of her new lime green Crosley record player. She stood up quickly and ran to jump on top of her parents, throwing her arms around both of their necks while letting out a bunch of thank you's.

"I'm glad you like it, sweetie," Calum said and kissed the top of her head. Luke ignored the fact that she swore for the sake of this cute moment. There was nothing else than he loved more than his family.

"It's my turn, you butt." Ethan pushed Gracie aside and jumped on top of his parents, hugging them just as tightly. "Thanks for the action figures, they're sick!" Calum laughed at Ethan. Sometimes he reminded him of Ashton; they used the same words.

"There's still more gifts, guys," Luke pointed to yet another pile of boxes placed under the tree.

Luke didn't think he was spoiling them, because he wasn't. He just loved his kids so much, so why not show them? They were good kids; they had excellent grades and never talked back or behaved bad. They deserved it. Plus, he enjoyed seeing them happy and beaming, eyes glowing. That's all he wanted; for them to be happy.

"A Polaroid! I'm so gonna take pics of George with this," Gracie giggled at the thought of her cute boyfriend. (A/N: hey i got a polaroid and have no one to take pics of ! i want a bf/gf so bad:-()

"Excuse me, George who?" Calum raised his eyebrow at a blushy Gracie. She laughed nervously. Ethan started making kissing noises. Gracie fought the urge to strangle him.

"New phone who this?"

Luke jabbed Calum's side. "Leave her alone," He whispered. "You were already getting your dick sucked at that age." Calum scoffed and tightened his grip around Luke's waist. "Fine." He whispered back.

"Daddy!" Ethan called out of sudden while he played with his new PlasmaCar, his little feet pedaling fast. Luke hummed, loud enough for Ethan to hear, and smiled; he looked so cute.

"Excuse me, I'm daddy," Calum grunted and removes his hand from around Luke's waist to squeeze his thigh. Luke yelped and whispered a 'sorry.'

"Yeah?" Calum asked, his eyes following Ethan.

"Sorry, I meant papa." Calum sighed and nudged Luke, who rolled his eyes.

"Yes?" Luke asked, eyebrow raised in curiosity. This kid could ask anything without shame; he mentally prepared himself.

"What did you get daddy for Christmas?" The black haired boy asked. He got off his car and sat on his knees on the couch beside Luke with a grin on his face. Luke scratched the back of his neck and turned to Calum for help. He wasn't gonna tell his kid about his plans with Calum. Gracie made the honor for them, though.

"Ethan, they're gonna do the monkey business," Luke choked on air while Calum was practically wheezing beside him. Ethan was just confused.

"Monkey business? Sounds fun! What is it?" He started bouncing up and down excitingly on his seat, this caused Calum to laugh more and more until he was gasping for air. Luke was trying not to cry.

Gracie smirked. "Oh, you know. Daddy sticks his–"

"Okay!" Calum said, once he gained his breath back. His cheeks were flushed and his chest was rising up and down at a fast pace. "That's enough, Gracie."

Gracie rolled her eyes and made an 'o' shape with her thumb and index finger, before sticking her other index finger inside the circle, moving it inside and out multiple times.

"Is that the monkey business? I wanna try it! Please," Ethan whines, completely oblivious of what the gesture really meant.

Luke blushed furiously and stood up, throwing his hands up on the air. He has had enough. "I'm gonna make breakfast."

Calum shoots daggers at Gracie and follows Luke into the kitchen. After a few minutes of Calum helping Luke cook and some neck kisses, a scream coming from the living room make them jump.

"That's disgusting!"


LOL this sucks but i updated so luv me pls

check out my kind-of-new story called 'don't you mind' !!!!!!!!!!!! it's based off of me by the 1975 and im excited to write it so ya check it out

– sophie who wants some pizza rolls

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