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The MoonClan cats padded back to camp dragging their paws behind them. The battle had been a disappointment. Moonstar had died a pathetic death, and now, they had no idea what to do.

Upon their arrival in camp, cats turned to Bone.

"What do we do, Bone?" Bloodfur asked. "You're leader now!"

Bone growled at his mate. "Go off! Start your own lives! There is no more MoonClan!"

"No more MoonClan?" Tooth asked.

Bone growled at his son. "That's right! MoonClan is finished! We've lost so many- Leopardtail, Fang, Rock, Night- valuable warriors."

Cloud and Fang sat by their father in tears. Tooth looked down as he stood next to his mate, Screechshade. Cloud and Fang were now his responsibility.

Ice grieved for the death of her mate and daughter. Fire and Rain stood by her, grieving as well.

"Tooth, you almost died," Bone said gently.

Tooth nodded. He discovered quickly that Moonstar had planned to kill him, so luckily, he had killed the rogue first.

"Off you go! Everyone!" Bone yowled.

Quickly, Cloud and Rain ran off. They did not want to live the life of a rogue. They instead decided to become warriors in FoxClan where they could strive.

Fang went off with Tooth, but Screechshade did not follow. She felt incredibly guilty about taking Leopardtail's mate, so she went off with Bloodfur and Bone.

Ice went off with Fire into the woods where they would live together.

Lastly, Tigerstripe went off with Jetfur to start an adventure of their own...


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