Chapter 18

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Moonstar smiled as she awoke. Today was battle day, the day they had been awaiting for moons. She slashed her claws against the den wall, making sure they were nice and sharp.

As she padded out of the den, she found the other cats ready for battle. She quickly passed by them, padding up onto the familiar rock.

"CATS OF MOONCLAN!' she yowled, looking past all the members. The camp was now filled with rogues, as well as clan members. They would win this battle for sure.


Cats yowled in response, agreeing with their leader.

Fang and Cloud would be staying in the MoonClan camp, though Leopardtail would leave. As much as the spotted she-cat did not want to leave her kits, she had to. It was crucial that she joined. They needed very cat for battle. The rogue Moonstar had ordered to kill Tooth was already ready to kill him near the end of the battle.

The army marched towards the meadow, ready to fight. They stood, awaiting for FoxClan and SnowClan to join. It only took a few moments for the other two clans to come towards the meadow. They stood, facing the MoonClan army.

Moonstar laughed as she looked around, seeing the MoonClan army was much bigger than both the clans combined. They would win for sure.

"Hello, Icestar and Sunstar," Moonstar hissed. "It is so nice to see you again!"

Icestar hissed at the she-cat. "You'll never defeat SnowClan or FoxClan!" Sunstar nodded in agreement beside her.

"Just watch me," Moonstar laughed. "MOONCLAN! ATTACK!" she commanded.

Cats bounded into action, attacking the nearest cat they saw. Moonstar hissed and attacked a FoxClan cat while the others went about their ways, killing left and right. Attacking the she-cat, Moonstar left her injured to die and bounded off.

Padding off to kill more cats, she stumbled into Honeyfall. She quickly pinned the she-cat down, seeing the fear in the she-cat's blue eyes. Honeyfall was the only cat who had ever shown her kindness. She had let Moonstar sleep in her nest when Silverwhisker wouldn't. She kept Moonstar company.

"Moonstar. It's me, Honeyfall," she pleaded. Her eyes were full of sorrow, and Moonstar spotted Foxeye watching from a distance.

"I know who you are," Moonstar growled. "But I don't care!" she hissed, slicing open the she-cat's throat. The dead she-cat lay on the ground, a pool of blood forming around her.

"NO!" Foxeye yowled, beginning to run towards her. Moonstar ran off into the crowd before the ginger tom could seek his revenge.

She climbed up a tree to watch the battle from a distance. She looked for dead cats, but all she found were dead rogues. She searched for Hazelnose, though she couldn't find her.

By the time Moonstar padded down, she stumbled over Leopardtail's dead body. "LEOPARDTAIL!' she cried out. She spotted ginger hair on the wounds...Foxeye had gotten his revenge. She growled, prowling around for the ginger tom.

She then noticed Cloverpelt and an unknown black she-cat crying over another cat. As she edged forward, dodging cats that came near her, she noticed it was Chesnuttail. Moonstar laughed. The tom had deserved to die.

Moonstar continued rushing by, gasping as she noticed Hazelnose fighting with the MoonClan cats, a gray tabby tom beside her. A cat swatted at the gray tom, and he fell to the ground. She watched Hazelnose cry out in pain.

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