Chapter 13

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Although Blackpaw's hostage plan had not gone well, other events in MoonClan were going well. For example, Ice had given birth to three kits. There was a ginger tom named Fire, a gray tabby tom named Rain, and a black she-cat named Night.

Fire seemed like he wanted to be a great warrior, while Rain seemed only interested in herbs and medicine. She knew he wanted to be a medicine cat, but Moonstar would not let him. No, she needed warriors.

Lastly, Night was weak. She tried to be a warrior, but she was small, and Moonstar knew already she'd die in battle.

In other news, her kits would become warriors soons! They had almost reached six moons, marking the time when a MoonClan cat became a warrior. A normal warrior would be twelve moons, but Moonstar's clan was advanced, and early training never hurt.

The escape of Hazelpaw and Chesnutpaw had been a lost. From her spies, she had learned they had fled to FoxClan and were considered new apprentices. She knew though that Hazelpaw or Chesnutpaw-maybe even both- would come back to her someday.

Tooth padded over towards Moonstar, a smile on his face. "Shall we hunt?" he asked.

Moonstar nodded, beginning to walk with the white tom. They headed into the forest in search of fresh prey.

Pricking her ears, Moonstar heard a squirrel. Quickly, she spotted it and killed it on the spot. Tooth caught a bird shortly after, and together, they buried their prey and moved on.

"I'm sorry about the escape of Blackpaw and the kits," Tooth told her.

Moonstar smiled maliciously. "Don't you worry, Tooth. Your mother was already killed. There are no more traitors here."

Bone had not reacted well to his mate's death, neither had Ice. Tooth seemed okay with it, though she knew he was hiding his feels. She could tell from the look he gave her as she finished her sentence.

"Yeah," he said quietly.

"Tooth, I will tell you something," the silver-blue she-cat said.

The tom looked up, his green eyes sorrowful.

"I can still see you're missing your mother, but let me tell you a story, young Tooth. Now, when I was a kit, my mother got in the way of my performance in the clan. She was too protective. Once I told her my feelings, she abandoned me! And I knew to be leader, she had to get out of my life. So, I hired Fang to kill her. My brother did the same, and I killed him myself."

"You kill your own family?!" Tooth exclaimed.

Moonstar nodded. "My father, well, it is unknown where he is. I'm sure if he were around, he'd be dead by now too. You see, Tooth, sometimes our family has to be killed to become a warrior."

"But my mother-" he began.


Tooth shrunk down. Moonstar looked as he seemed to be a bit smaller than her. He wasn't even twelve moons, only a measly nine moons, like his sister.

"Your mother was a traitor, and I hope you won't be one either. Do you understand?" she asked. "Because I will kill you if you do the same. But I will make it a much more painful and agonizing death."

"I completely understand, Moonstar. I don't know what I was thinking. I'll kill my sister, my dad, anyone who gets in the way. But, well, if they weren't in this clan. I know you need them," he said, laughing nervously.

"Very good, young tom," she said.

Tooth paused for a moment, then spoke. "Moonstar, there is one more question I wish to ask you."

"If it's about traitors," she began, only to be cut off by his response.

"No, it's not. I promise. It's much more important ot the clan," he told her.

"What is it?" Moonstar wondered.

"Well, you know, Leopardpaw and I have liked each other for awhile now, and I thought-with your permission of course- when she became a warrior, we could become mates. Do you agree?

Moonstar thought for a second. Could this tom serve her daughter well? He was strong, but she didn't know if he was loyal enough. She sat down, thinking, watching sa Tooth winced in the distance.

"Yes, I suppose so. In fact, you could ask her to be mates right now. She'll be six moons soon."

"Oh, thank you!" he exclaimed. "I promise I'll love her and be the best mate ever!" he exclaimed. He ran off to camp, leaving Moonstar in the woods alone.

The sun rose on a beautiful day, and Moonstar padded up to a large rock that was now placed in the center of the camp. "ATTENTION MOONCLAN!" she yowled.

The cats turned, staring intently at their leader.

"TIGERPAW AND LEOPARDPAW HAVE REACHED SIX MOONS WHICH MEANS THEY ARE READY TO BECOME WARRIORS!" she cheered. She looked at her son and daughter and saw only MoonClan spirit in them. "Tigerpaw," she began, looking at her handsome son. "You are brave and loyal. Your strength will no doubt help you in battle. From this day forward, you shall be known as Tigerstripe!"

She turned to her beautiful daughter next. "And Leopardpaw, you are fierce yet sweet. You will trick your opponents, no doubt. From this day forward, you shall be known as Leopardtail!"


Leopardtail smiled at Tooth, and Moonstar watched as he returned the gesture. The two had become mates only a few days prior after Moonstar had given him permission.

Moonstar stood with the two warriors, ready. She already had another plan on her mind that involved a different cat's loyalty this time. And maybe...SnowClan's leader would be gone.

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