Chapter 12

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"HE'S ESCAPED!" Tooth yowled. "HE'S ESCAPED!"

Quickly, Moonstar rushed to the young tom, knocking him over. "How'd he get away?!" she hissed. "Oh, I'm going to make your death so painful, you'll be begging for it," she hissed.

"Let me explain!" Tooth yowled, pushing Moonstar off of him.

Moonstar swiped at the tom, leaving a mark down his cheek. "Lesson number one: Never struggle underneath my weight because I will hurt you," she hissed. "Be calm, and maybe I'll listen to your explanation," she hissed, pushing him down again. She aimed her claw at his neck, about to kill the young tom.

Suddenly, Bloodfur ran to her, yowling, "NO! DON'T KILL HIM! IT WAS SNOWFEATHER!"

Moonstar tilted her head and got off of Tooth, allowing the tom to breath once again. She looked towards Bloodfur. "Lesson number two: Never tell your leader what to do," she growled. "What is the problem with Snowfeather?"

"Moonstar!" Bone yowled. "Chesnutpaw and Hazelpaw have escaped with Blackpaw!"

"Let them go," Moonstar growled. "They won't survive anyway," she said. She should've known her son and daughter would betray her at some point. Bone nodded, padding away.

Moonstar turned back to Bloodfur, waiting for her explanation.

"Snowfeather said we needed a nice break, so she volunteered to watch him. When we came back, Snowfeather was gone, and so was Blackpaw!" Bloodfur gasped.

Moonstar growled. "SNOWFEATHER!" she yowled.

The white she-cat slipped out of the den. "Yes, Moonstar?"

"Come with me," she growled. Snowfeather hesitated, then followed her towards the edge of the camp.

"WHY DID YOU LET HIM ESCAPE?!" she yowled.

Snowfeather calmly looked at Moonstar. "I never wanted to join this clan. My mate did. You were killing an innocent tom! Your kits are scared of you, Moonstar. I helped them escape as well. Now, exile me if you wish, but never forget what I did."

She slashed at Snowfeather's leg, leaving the white she-cat to limp away. "Exile? Oh, it'll be more than exile," she whispered. "SCREECHSHADE!" she hissed.

The brown she-cat padded over. "Yes, Moonstar?"

"I need you to help me," Moonstar began.

"As you wish, Moonstar."

"I trust you, Screechshade, and you are an honorable warrior. Such honor I will give you for this mission," she explained.

"Thank you, Moonstar. I am always loyal to MoonClan. Do you wish for me to kill the black tom or your kits? Or shall I bring them back here?"

"Something better," Moonstar growled. "Kill Snowfeather."

Screechshade smiled. "If that is what you wish, Moonstar, then it is so. Would you like to watch?"

Moonstar nodded. "Of course. Go tell Bone that you want to hunt with Snowfeather, and tell them you'll be back shortly."

Screechshade nodded, running off. "Hide in the bushes by the large oak tree," she whispered.

Moonstar nodded, heading towards the large oak tree. She crept into the bushes, watching the forest. It only took a few minutes before the white she-cat and Screechshade were nearby.

"I don't understand Moonstar. Why would she do that?"

Screechshade shrugged. "I'm not sure, Snowfeather. Will you be exiled for that?"

Snowfeather nodded. "Most likely. I hated this clan away."

"Good," Screechshade said, beginning to unsheathe her claws. "You'll hate it even more?"

"Any why is that?" Snowfeather asked. Screechshade smiled, lashing at Snowfeather. The white she-cat gasped, letting out a yowl of terror as her coat became coated in red.


"You were wrong," Screechshade said, smiling. "My loyalty lies only to MoonClan. Any last words?"

There were words, so faint, like a whistle of the wind. "My daughter..." She was cut off as Screechshade bit the she-cat's neck, killing her instantly.

Snowfeather laid dead on the forest floor, her blue eyes clouded and unseeing.

"Very good," Moonstar purred. "Excellent work, Screechshade. You really are loyal."

Together, they headed back to camp, leaving the dead she-cat as bird bait."     

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