Wise Words From Reporters

Start from the beginning

"On strike!" He says. I tilt my head, because I am really confused right now. "How did you know that, Pulitzer has had it blacklisted?"

"I am a reporter for the Journal." He says. Now I know people who work for The World, The Sun, and The Journal. He keeps talking. "I know because I wanted to write a story about exactly that. My editorial chief told me that any news on that subject was blacklisted. And that poor girl who did write a pretty damn good story. She's been banned from every news desk in town."

I look over at him. I guess in the newspaper business everyone knows everything. Down to the smallest detail. "That's Katherine. She's my friend. I read the first draft of the paper before she sent it off."

"Of course you know more about the strike that I do. So can you tell me anything?" He says.

"There is just sooo much. I'll give you highlights. The price got jacked up. Us newsies can barely afford to live off of the normal price so we got angry. We protest, they lock us up. We get in the papes, they ban us. We hold a rally, they turn our leader against us. No matter what we do Pulitzer and his men always find a way to stop us in our tracks. It's getting too hard for me to handle." I say full of worry and stress in my voice.

Brian Denton puts his hand on my shoulder and sympathetically pats my shoulder. "You got pretty far for a group of kids. And most men would be terrified to be in the position that your in. You are going against the most powerful man in New York. Aren't you scared?"

"Yeah look at me I'm trembling." I sarcastically say. He chuckles a little bit and takes his hand off of my shoulder. "The way I see it. Mr. Denton I have already just went through the worst night of my life, so it can only go up hill from here."

He takes in a big breath. "I suppose you are correct about that Stray." He look out to the street and crosses his leg. "Just last year I covered the war in Cuba. And the way I see it. You in your own way...are fighting a war. It's different but it's a fight. A tough one, not to mention you are just a bunch of kids...." Denton doesn't say anything for a while, but he gets an idea and then goes back to talking to me. "I want you to remember Stray. Kids are the future. Whether Pulitzer likes it or not. You kids are the future of New York."

Denton slaps his knees and then stands up. "It was a pleasure to meet you." He says tipping his very fancy hat.

"I feel that same way Mr. Denton." I say. He takes a couple of steps a way but then he turns back around and faces me. "You should come down to my office after you win the strike." That part made me smile, but he wasn't finished. "I would love to give the people a story from an actual newsie's point of view."

A light hearted laugh comes out of my mouth. "Consider it done." I say. Before I know it Brian Denton is gone. A very nice stranger. When people say don't talk to strangers, they don't mean forever. See if he never started that conversation, I would have never gotten my confidence back.

"Stray!" I hear someone call my name. What's with people meeting with me on the streets? I turn my head to the direction where I voice came from. Oh no! How am I going to do anything? What am I supposed to say to her? We can't act like I didn't find out who she really was. "Stray. Hiya." Katherine says pushing a smile on to her own face. "How did the Newsies Rally go?" I didn't even know she said anything. All I hear is this piercing  buzzing in my ear.  "What?" I mutter out. She looks at my questioningly. "Stray? Are you okay?"

What do I even say? I have to say something. It's now or never. I have to say it. If I don't it will be hanging over my head forever. "Katherine... I know." She tilts her head. "I know about you. I know that your last name isn't Plumber. I know that you are Joseph Pulitzer's daughter. I know that you have been keeping a huge secret from all of us."

Her eyes grow wide and her face becomes pale. She talks rapidly, "How did you find out? Did Jack tell you?"

"JACK KNEW!" What?!? When did he find out this information. And why didn't he tell me or anyone at that matter?

Katherine's face goes crazy. "Shhh!" She tells me. Her breathing is so heavy right now. It's the tension in the air. "Listen I was going to tell everyone, but there was never a good time."

I cross my arms and scowl. "So you decided to keep it a secret? There is never a good time to drop information like that. That's why you have to put your big girl panties on and toughen up." Katherine nervously pushes her hair behind her shoulder and grunts out. Then she looks at me confused. "How did you find out? Obviously Jack did not tell you and I never did. So how did you know that I was his daughter?"

"Uh." I stutter. How do I say this There really is a good way to put this. "Uh..I...um....I. I met your father."

"WHAT?" She shouts. She starts panting and looking me dead in the eyes. "Shh!" I tell her like she did to me before. "Calm down would ya." I say to her. Katherine just rolls her eyes at me. I guess she has picked up some of my habits. 

"No! I can't calm down, because when Jack went to meet my father. He threatened to hurt you, Davey, Les and just about everyone. So I can't imagine what he said to you." She puts both of her hands on my shoulders and starts to shake me. I eventually get her to stop shaking me like I am a toy spinning top.

"He said something along those lines. On how he would hurt everyone I cared about. But..." I shut up before I let anything stupid fly out of my mouth.

"But what? What did he say?" Katherine asks almost threatening to me. Dang! Okay should I explain myself or make up some type of lie. "You could say he bribed me."

"Bribed you with what exactly?" She asked trying to figure out what her father tried to give to me.

"Old man Pulitzer offered me a job." I mutter out. She goes bugged eyed on me. I guess that means I should keep talking. "It was an editing job. I would have worked right under the Editorial Chief. I declined of course. This strike is too important to me to just throw it away like yesterday's paper." 

Katherine becomes sympathetic with me. "Stray, that's the perfect job for you. You complain about his writing all the time."

That's when it hit me. "Exactly. How did he know that?"

Katherine looks at me shocked and taken back. "You're not suggesting that I told him?" I don't answer her. "Stray! My father has eyes on every corner of this city! He doesn't need me spying for him. I was always on the newsies' side."

I look at her. I run up and wrap on arm around her and give her a bear hug. "I knew it." I mumble under my breath as I hug her. That just made me smile.

"Now Stray...I need to ask you something." She asked. I nodded my head to make a "go ahead." expression to her. "I need to talk to Jack. Do you have any idea where he could be at all?"

I think for a second and then I answer her. "He is probably at his penthouse." She tilts her her head confused. "There is a rooftop right above the Newboys' Lounging House. Ask Mr. Koppleman  at the desk for directions. If he isn't there ask Specs.....Katherine....Can I ask you a question?"

She franticly nods at me. So I continue on talking. "When we found Jack painting at Medda's did he say he saw Crutchie at the Refuge?"

Katherine looks around for a moment, she is thinking about I can tell that much. "I believe he did."

I smile and say "Good."

I pick up my skirt and start running as fast as I possibly can. Katherine yells at me wondering what I am doing. I know she is a smart girl she'll figure it out.

I'm going to the Refuge.

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