
It had been several hours since the arrival of the horde of spiders that had been defeated and the large caravan was able to be far enough away from any others coming to check on their web mates. The elves and dwarves had fought side by side together to push back this eight legged menace...sounds of bows releasing their sharp shafts and the whistling of sharp blades rang around the area as all fought. Tia ordered Griegur to get into the back of the wagon so him and Kennan could watch over their sisters while she wielded a large frying pan to bash any stray pincers coming her way, that threatened her family. They were finally far enough away where everyone could breath easier...wiping the sweat from their brows as they smiled in camaraderie at one another as some high fived. A few elves eyed Dis with admiration as she stood off to the side with an axe dripping with blood in each hand. During the fight she wielded both axes with a deft efficiency that astounded any who watched her...proving that she above all others was of the noble line of Durin. They were in awe as she hacked and bashed her way through the oncoming swarm of the vermin incursion upon the travelers. As she stood there , breath heavy , she smiled as she saw a few elves bend at the waist in deference towards her which she returned back with a deep bowing of her head...knowing that a solid bridge was forming , out of mutual respect, between the dwarven and elven nation in that moment.


Because of the encounter with the spiders, it took the party almost a day and half of nonstop traveling to cross the width of Mirkwood until finally  they reached the Elven Kings Halls where they were able to rest. King Thranduil himself walked down the steps to greet the assembling party...a pretense of a smile gracing his lips as he held out a hand of invitation to Dis, who adopted the same smile as she took it.

"Welcome weary wanderers. We are joyous that you have made it to my majestic halls, safe and sound." his voice tried to sound welcoming but the dwarves knew it was forced by the tic in his eye whenever he saw Bofur , who had escaped his dungeon many months ago, standing before him...smirking.

"Thank you...King Thranduil for your gracious hospitality that you are offering to me and my kin. We are appreciative that you have so courteously opened up your halls to us road weary travelers." Dis stopped her mouth before finishing what was in her heart and ruining this tenuous peace between them. She yearned to say " unlike the last time when we had come this way over 150 years ago." both knew from the others eyes..but for appearances and trying to keep the peace. Neither brought it up how on the day Smaug had swept in and took Erebor from the dwarves, that Thranduil had turned his back on them in their greatest hour of need. As his army stood on that overlook watching as the fiery beast ransacked Erebor and seeing Thorin waving to him in hopes of assistance of some form...he turned his stag mount away, leaving the dwarves to the mercy of the chaotic elements. His sharp elvish eyes caught the image of a stunned Thorin who realized that no help in any form was coming their way...no supplies, no medical aid...nothing from what they had assumed was their allies. The realization of sickness and starvation being what awaited  them in their future...and all for what, a elvish kings childish tantrum because he was refused some jewels of starlight.

None of this was spoken between the Princess Under the Mountain and the Woodland King, but both knew it deep inside as they did the dance of courtly words and gestures with each other. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting both Thranduil and Dis came to an end and everyone was able to rest near several bonfires that had been provided for them. Dis let out a soft sigh as she saw the elvish king returning to leave and go back to his entertainment inside...away from these hairy visitors he barely tolerated, when suddenly his eyes lit  upon an unusual pair he had thought he would ever see in his life...a Battlewolf rider and he caught himself before he stumbled in surprise. Thranduil had not seen one in almost 100 years...since the last time he had made a trip to Rivendell for the meeting of the Elven Court that consisted of Lord Elrond, King Thranduil of Mirkwood, and The Lorian King and Queen Celeborn and Galadrial. It was at that time that he saw the Battlewolf Guard escorting the Lorian Elf Court to Rivendell for their centennial gathering. This impressive guard had 6 giant wolves strapped with special made armor upon them and eerily silent dwarven riders on their backs...a chilly calm evident in their demeanor .

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