"You smell like fear, prey" she said making me look up. "So I have bad dreams? What does it matter to you?" I snapped at her not seeing how I could get around this conversation, my brother was the con man not me. "I can help you with that" she said as I put on my other boot. "How is that?" I asked and she smirked at me. "In all my age I got bored and learned some magic. When you go to sleep I can make it dreamless" she said and I stood up looking her up and down. Her stance relaxed but something in her eyes made me feel small, I've only felt like that once and it's what continues to eat away at me in my sleep. "No, I'm fine and I'm not entirely sure what your game is yet" I told her moving over to the counter grabbing my jacket and weapons, one by one putting them all on. "What if I told you something personal about me? Would you tell me about you?" she asked and I sat up on the table crossing my legs. This would be a good way to get to know the vampire living under my roof. Also get my mind off the images still fresh in my head."What do you want to know about me?" I asked. "What scares you?" she asked. "No" I growled at her. She sighed "Well how about something easy? Like your parents?" she asked. I thought about it. I wasn't entirely sure I wanted to share that story with her but I would have to hear about hers first. How much detail she gave to it. "Fine, you first vampire" I said and she smiled moving into the room sitting on the bed as I leaned back against the wall behind the table.

Already my heart beat and mind was begun to calm down. I guess she could be helpful for this after all. "Well my father was a King, he had money, power anything and everything he could ever have. Although he was disappointed when he found out I was a girl. He wanted a son to lead his legacy so he pushed me farther then he should have. Made me learn all those strategy games, war tactics, how to handle a sword, how to manage political maneuvers and I wasn't even older than ten when he was forcing those things on me"

I couldn't help but feel a bit bad for the little vampire and she was nowhere near done as it seemed. I listened carefully to her next words.

"My mother was a bit better, not by much. She made me learn all those etiquettes and manors of nobility. She made me sing and learn how to play the harp. None of them really seemed to care what I thought, just wanted to mold me into something I wasn't. Then my father out grew his ambition. He sold me to a vampire, in return he would grant our family immortality. Though this wasn't any ordinary gift. The Goddess Storm had granted this man his power, he had unique set of abilities which went to us, and the reason the sun doesn't hurt me" she said and she looked to me thinking about those times and I frowned.

"What do you mean by 'sold' you?" I asked though I feared I wouldn't want to know. "Well it was officially a marriage. But what he did to me I wouldn't call marriage" she said grimacing as if remembering those things. I kind of felt guilty for asking but it explained a lot of things. Like that so called vampire king after now... I suppose since she told me all that I would have to tell her about me and my brother. It only seemed fair.

"Our mother died in child birth, our father was a soldier. We never saw him and ended up living with our uncle who was a drunk and couldn't afford to even feed himself. So me and Shadow were fending for ourselves at a young age. Ever since I could walk I was a thief. Never got caught. I keep that recorded to today.. And for shadow he was a bully to rich kids stealing their money through force and violence, he was always unusually strong. We both inherited magic from our mother but never explored the depths of it. As Shadow reads minds and can make people do things, I can turn myself invisible and sense movement itself. With those sort of powers we left our drunken uncle and ran off here, we were both fifteen when we came here and bought this house with all our stolen money. We had to pay rent so we started an investigation services... pays the bills and more"

Children of NightМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя