Chapter 2: Long John Silver

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"Load the cannons and gets your weapons ready; we've got pirates to kill!" the captain bellowed. He waddled across the deck, jabbing his finger at anyone not working fast enough, and then huffed and puffed his way to the quarterdeck. His quartermaster, a dark-skinned man with a toned and fit body, took his hands off the wheel and unsheathed two cutlasses, ready to engage the enemy.

Jack watched how the quartermaster stayed close to his captain, standing before him protectively. It now made more sense to him how a man who could barely walk across his own ship's deck without taking a break could command such a vile crew. His quartermaster was the only reason no mutiny had taken place yet. Jack eyed Sinbad helping Hook patch up his injured side and knew that situation was quite different between those two. There was trust, loyalty, and a strong bond of real friendship between them. That was worth more than any amount of gold.

"This daft fool is going to get everyone killed," Hook growled, his eyes on the rapidly approaching brig in the distance. "He's got a dozen cannons on the whole ship while that vessel there has twice that number on a single side."

"Let's not forget that impressive ram," Sinbad added as he rolled up the last pieces of bandage before placing it in a pouch hanging from his belt. "A solid hit from that and this ship splits open like an egg."

Hook watched the pirate ship approach for a few more moments before storming off toward the quarterdeck. The merchant captain's quartermaster saw him coming and brandished his blades, warning him to stop where he was. Hook did so and pointed a finger at the captain cowering behind his intimidating protector. "Just let the pirates take your loot and they'll be on their way. I've dealt with this pirate captain before and he does have some sense of honour. Show him leniency and he shall do the same."

The captain laughed heartily. "Honour among pirates? I thought you were a pirate hunter? Don't you make a living chasing these heathens across the seas and giving them a watery grave? You have done a marvellous job, I have to admit, but apparently you missed one. If we show this fool that we will not tuck our tails between our legs and give up without a fight then he will leave us be. He gets to flee with his shame and I get to keep my wares. I will not surrender everything without taking a few pirates down with me."

"Your cannons are small and few in number, your ship is slow and unwieldy, and your crew lacks fighting skill. You are no match for these pirates. Trust me when I say that sometimes the wisest decision is not to fight with blades but with words. Reason with him and you may yet leave with your life."

"And what of my wares? I am to just let these brigands take them all?"

"A life is more important than any shiny bauble."

"Not to me, Hook." He then pointed to the crewmen standing beside the six cannons on the main deck. "Fire whenever they get in range, men! Sink them to the bottom of the ocean!"

There was cheer from the men before they excitably set about loading and aiming the cannons. Jack watched as Hook returned to him and the others, his head shaking in disbelief.

"I tried," he said before he clenched the gunwale and watched the brig move into attack position, its sails full and its ram aimed at the mid-section of the merchant vessel. "I suggest you all hold on to something."

Jack and Red wrapped their arms around the bulwark and knelt down, bracing themselves against it. They could hear the splash of water as the rapidly approaching brig cut through the waves on its attack run. There were six sudden, successive pops as the merchant ship's tiny cannons fired their shots. Jack watched the approaching brig and saw four splashes thrash water up like small geysers, a few pieces of wood crack off its side and then heard a loud knock and whistling sound as the last shot ricocheted off the brig's side. He shook his head much as Hook had. The former captain had been right. The merchant ship's cannons were much too small to do any real damage.

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