Chapter Fifteen: Shocked!

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I dragged my heavy eye lids open and gasped at what I saw. The most beautiful man was hovering over me; almost as soon as the surprised gasp escaped the barrier of my lips, his lids shot open to reveal the most intense blue eyes I had ever seen.

It was my savior, the man that seemed to never be too far away as of late. He was so gorgeous, and so close. It was like I was in a dream, and I never wanted it to end.

Unfortunately reality came crashing back, along with the events that transpired in the last few hours. My eyes popped open wide and a shriek tore through my throat. My body jerked into sitting position as my hand flew out to strike the man in the nose.

Startled he jumped back and cradled his nose. He let out a string of curses in a language I didn’t recognize and jumped to his feet. I did the same and stumbled a couple steps back. I looked down and discovered that I was absolutely soaked. What in the world was going on!

“Who are you, and what is going on here?!!” I pointed an accusing finger in his direction. He glared at me and crossed his arms over his massive chest. He straightened to his full height, which had to be well over 6’3.

“Calm down.” His voice was rough, low, like steel covered in the finest of silks. It dripped masculinity and… sex appeal. Worst of all it made me feel small, like my very life depended on me submitting to him. I didn’t like that feeling so I did the exact opposite. Snorting I made sure my voice was coated thick with attitude.

“No! No, don’t you tell me to ‘calm down’! I absolutely will not ‘calm down’ you jerk! I don’t even know who you are or what just happened, and you want me to ‘calm down’?!” I exhaled and started to pace; huffing and grumbling as I went. I knew I was being nasty, and I was ranting, but cut me some slack! I just had one of the worst days ever. My grandmother is dead, my best friend is dead, my dog is missing, my clothes are totaled, a man with the body of a god was barking orders at me, and my head hurt!

I sniffed back the tears that threatened to fall and ceased my pacing to find him staring at me intently. He raised a dark eyebrow in question.

“Are you done?” he asked stiffly. His piercing gaze seemed to pin me in place. Their blue was so deep they seemed like endless pools of the most potent cobalt blue. He took a step toward me; I sucked in a breath, my eyes going wide. He continued with slow, deliberate steps until we were standing toe to toe. This close he practically dwarfed my 5’2 frame.

Before I could even blink his strong muscled arms shot out toward me. One grasped my upper arm and the other my hip, and as if I weighed as much as a feather he hoisted me over his strong shoulder.

I screeched and let out a grunt when I landed on his shoulder soundly. Even though he did it quickly, he handled me with the up most care, as if I was as fragile a china doll.

“Put me down! Right now!”  I hollered. I balled up my fisted and rained punches all over his hard back. They harmlessly bounced of his muscled physique; this only angered me more.

“Who do you think you are?! I demand that you put me down immediately!” I shrieked and pounded his back harder. I gasped when I felt the palm of his hand fall on my bottom with a sharp swift smack. I gasped and wriggled. A wave of heat washed over me. I swallowed back a moan when he slowly dragged his hand away.

“Quiet!” he growled in a low voice that left no room for argument. I huffed and went into pout mode. My arms hung limply like a rag doll’s. The ground swayed as he walked to God knows where.

Finally I felt him slowing. He gripped me by the waist and dragged me over his shoulder. He made sure that every inch of my body touched all of his before he let my feet touch the ground. His heated gaze swept over my face. I stared up at him with wide doe eyes, my breathing erratic; my heart fluttering against my rib cage.

He reached a large hand out to caress my swollen, throbbing cheek. My eyelids fluttered shut and I light out a sigh of contentment. His gentle fingers danced over my damaged cheek. The heat from his fingers spread over my face like a healing balm. I couldn’t help but to lean into him.

I grabbed his big hand and pressed my face into the soothing warmth of it. It was as if something took over us both. I looked into his stunning eyes and was lost. I didn’t dare move, or breath, afraid to break the magical moment.

“Nylah!” I whipped my head around to see Jay running toward me. I pulled away and stared in disbelief. I couldn’t believe my eyes. She was dead. I saw her she was dead. That man pushed her over the cliff. She’s gone.

When she slammed into me my head started to spin. This was impossible. She couldn’t be here warm, solid, and clothed I might add in my arms. My best friend was gone. She was speaking, but I couldn’t concentrate on what she was saying. She pulled away and looked into my wide eyed frozen expression.

I was finally losing it. My mind was no longer functioning. The stress and trauma of the past couple of days were finally catching up to me. I shoved away from her and started backing up.

“No, no you’re dead. I saw. Everyone I love is dead.” I mumbled. I was starting to shake, either from being soaked to the bone, the shock, or both. She looked at me confused.

“What” No, Nylah I’m alive. I’m good. See?” she held out her arms to prove her point.

“No, abuela’s gone you’re gone; everyone is gone. I have no one left.” I was still walking backward my chatter was picking up speed, but I couldn’t stop myself.

“What!? She-, no Nylah chill out! You don’t know what you’re saying.” She tried to come toward me, but I panicked. I tripped over a branch and tipped backward. I waited for the cold hard ground to smack into my back, but it never came.

I looked up and the last thing I saw were the stunning pair of blue orbs that I had woken up to. Then the darkness took over.      

Oooooo Nylah went into shock! :) I hope you guys liked it. I really appreciate all the votes I've received. It's not as many as I would like, but I'm still really grateful! :) Hopefully I can update soon. Pic of Kieni on the side :) See ya!    

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2013 ⏰

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