Chapter Two: Trouble in Paradise

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I sighed as my mind drifted back to the dark haired vision I saw for the first time in my life. She was beautiful beyond comparison; I hated it. She had long curly tresses of nearly black hair that fell a couple inches past her shoulder blades. It wasn’t thin and curly, but thick and wild with a lustrous shine to it. It made me want to bury my fingers in the soft mass. Her skin was a warm milk chocolate, and her eyes were the color of the richest cocoa. Her lips were full and ripe like a lush berry. They were painted a deep berry color when I saw her, but instinctively I knew they were an appealing pink. Her smile, her smile put me over the edge. It was so bright and inviting, but with an air of innocence that seemed not only to linger around her smile, but her soul. When her eyes met mine I felt as if I was falling, but I didn’t want to be caught.

I exhaled in frustration, banishing my thoughts of her away. Nylah Tortellini wasn’t supposed to be beautiful. It made resisting her that much more difficult. My wolf strained inside of me, desperate to break free and claim his mate. It may be true that my wolf laid claim to her, but it didn’t mean she was ours for the taking. It would be unfair of me to force a fate like that upon her. I couldn’t bring her happiness, only pain and potential danger.

My nature would never allow me to be close to a woman, especially her. I couldn’t be in a room with people of common blood, or blood other than mine without wanting to tear their flesh from their bones and feast on their life blood.

I scowled and smashed my fist against the tree trunk in anger. I never gave who I was much thought until now. I was always accepted for who I was; I never had to see myself through anyone else’s eyes but my own. When I think about what she would think of my nature all I could see is her running from me in terror as any woman would.

I convinced myself it was better not to want a wife, and to just surround myself with the people who understood me best. I couldn’t change how I was born so I had to live with it. I was never without female companionship, but it never lasted long enough for her to be in danger.

But choosing not to take a wife is not so simple. It affects not only me, but my entire pack. If I don’t choose a Luna to rule by my side then I can’t take my place as Alpha. My parents are both dead so the current Alpha is my prick of an uncle Travain. He was the reason our pack was struggling. For years I had to go behind him and clean up his messes, and he resented me for showing him up by being a better Alpha. From the time I was little, and he was appointed my guardian when my parents passed he despised me; said I was burden and a disgrace to our pack.

I did my damnedest to grow up and make my father, the true Alpha of the Silver Moon pack proud. I prospered despite my differences from the rest of the pack; I made sure I cared for my pack and showed them that I was to be respected and not feared. Eventually they all came to trust me and I finally felt like I was accomplishing something that would make me worthy of my birth given title.

Then my uncle announced that he was ready to retire. There was no need for him to, he was just too damn lazy to keep up with the pack and its needs, but it didn’t matter; it gave me the chance to take my place as Alpha. In the end he cheated me and picked my most hated enemy to be the future Alpha, and right now he was pissing all over my hard work to get the pack together again. The only reason he was chosen over me was because Travain knew that I would never accept my mate. My wolf was pissed that I was letting the bastards ruin our pack. He was ashamed of me and so was I, but I would die before I let them take over completely. 

I thought that the bond that was formed between us was severed, but I was wrong. She would always haunt my dreams and at the time I didn’t even know it was her. When the elders announced that she needed a guardian I quickly refused. I made it a point to never meet her or see her face, and I hoped to forget her.

Over the years my wolf grew weary and agitated. We never disagreed with each other, but when it came to our mate we disagreed completely. He wanted her under his protection, and he wanted me to love and care for her. I wanted that with all of my heart, but I refused to put her in danger to satisfy my selfish desires.

Unfortunately trouble was coming for her and I was appointed to rescue her and Jay. I tried to get out of it, but the elders refused to let me back out. They claimed I was the only one capable of completing the task, but I just think they were playing match maker.

I sat close enough to the house full of rambunctious teens to hear and see what I needed to. I made sure that I was concealed in the shadows and waited patiently for them to come out. I needed to get to Jay, but without Nylah knowing who I was. Too much was at stake for that to happen. Jay needed to come back to Alaynia so we could decide how to bring Nylah back safely.

I caught a glimpse of dark curls and instinctively moved closer. I saw her step out of the back door and onto the patio. A huge dance floor lay in the middle of the yard and music pulsated through the air. Jay came up behind her and pulled her onto the floor. They moved to the upbeat song. Jay’s movements were as smooth as ever, but Nylah’s were so graceful and mesmerizing; it took my breath away.

Both of their outfits exposed more then they covered. I was very fond of Jay and it bothered me in a brotherly way when she wore provocative clothing, but when I watched Nylah’s legs peek through the slits in her skirt it sent twin feelings of want and anger through me. No one had the right to see that much of those legs. Yeah neither do you. I laughed a harsh laugh at the reminder.      

Just then the winds changed directions and an eerie feeling crept over me. The dank smell of evil hit my nostrils. My wolf stirred and strained at the thought of a threat so close to our mate. Shifting forms I let my wolf guide me to the problem.

Picture of Kieni on the side. Enjoy!

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