Chapter Ten: 100 Degree Attitued

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I bolted up strait in my bed half expecting to find fire and my mother standing in front of me, but instead I found my room just as it always was. Groaning I flopped back onto the pillows. It felt as if I had a head on collision with a speeding train. All I wanted to do was sleep and forget about the crazy dream I had last night.  It all seemed so vivid. It seemed like it really was my mother that was there to warn me about fate’s plan for me. Worst of all it really seemed like the fire really was burned into my being permanently.

Suddenly the side of the bed dipped and a large form settled beside me. I turned to pet Feroz. He rumbled and leaned into my touch. I smiled at how much he came to trust me. I looked to my nightstand and the glare of the alarm clock caught my eye. In big numbers it read six-thirty. It took a second, but then it registered that it wasn’t Saturday but it was Tuesday. With only ten minutes to get ready I bolted out of bed. Feroz growled in protest and settled back on the pillows.

School didn’t start until seven-thirty, but I had to be there early to drop off pictures for the yearbook. I rushed into the bathroom and took off my remaining clothes to jump in the shower. The familiar smell of my citrus and flower body wash and shampoo helped clear my head of the bizarre dream the night before. I jumped out in record time and dried off. In my room I rubbed the lotion that matched my body wash into my skin and quickly found underwear and threw that on.

I paused at the mirror and gasped at what I saw. Something was different about my appearance. It was very subtle; almost undetectable. It was the way my skin glowed and my hair shimmered with new luster. I walked closer and peered into the mirror at my eyes. I couldn’t see a difference but I knew something was there. Then I saw it. My eyes weren’t their normal everyday brown anymore; they were a deep burgundy with swirls of chocolate, red and orange.  All of these colors were muted so that if you just glanced at them they would appear brown, but up close they looked like the embers of a low fire.

“No way,” I breathed confused and a little freaked out about what was going on. This wasn’t in any way normal! Normal people didn’t wake up from crazy dreams with funky colored eyes and heat that seemed to settle right behind their heart! I noticed that I was starting to tremble and that my eyes were watering with the force of the emotion that was rushing through me. Steeling myself against the flood of emotions I took a deep breath to calm down. When I opened my eyes again I could visibly see my subconscious wall slamming down to block the confusing emotions. My eyes hardened with it; instead of vulnerability I saw determination and resolve. Over the years I learned that feeling sorry for me wouldn’t change anything; no matter how many useless tears I shed. Since I didn’t seem to be burning alive or deathly ill, crying seemed futile.

Nodding in approval I quickly threw on my red turtleneck and a pair of black leggings. I swiped on some mascara and sprayed a bit of perfume. I quickly threw on my pea coat, scarf, and beanie. Giving Feroz a rub goodbye, I grabbed my loaded school bag and my purse and bolted down the stairs.

“Mija, Mija, slow down! You still have five minutes. Come eat breakfast.” She soothed while trying to drag me to the table. “I can’t, abuela, I have to get to school a bit early today. Have you seen my camera?”  She pointed to the kitchen counter and I breezed pasted her to grab it and slung it over my neck. Spotting my keys I picked them up and shoved them into my pocket.

“Mija, you’re awfully energetic for a girl who was too sick to eat last night. Are you sure you’re alright?” she tried to frame my face with her hands, but I brushed them away. “I’m fine abuela.” I said and leaned down to kiss her cheek. She looked at me suspiciously before grabbing my arm. I sighed and turned to her.

“What abuela?” I snapped. I felt so irritable. I wanted to leave and she was getting in my way.

“Excuse me young lady you better watch your tone. I don’t know what your problem is chica, but you better-,” I cut her off before she could finish.

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