Chapter Eight: Diner Dash

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My feet were aching by the time six o'clock came around. The diner was packed and we were short one waitress, Jay. She hadn't showed up for school today and she didn't show up for work. So now I was trying to pick up the slack and was starting to fall behind.

I was zooming around on my skates taking orders and delivering meals. I was in the zone, barely paying attention to what was going on around me. I noticed that some obnoxious people were making a lot of noise, but I ignored them; I had work to do. I had just delivered two shakes to table five when Joe called my name.

"Hey, Nylah go take care of table seven. Hopefully if you take their orders they'll shut up." I looked over and saw that it was a group of popular guys from our school. I groaned; I did not want to go over there and deal with those idiots.

"Joe why don't you just kick them out? It will save us all from a headache." He smiled and shook his head.

"I'm not going to let perfectly good money just walk out the door. I've got bills to pay sweetie. Now go smile that pretty smile of yours and take their orders."

I rolled my eyes and skated over to their table. Just my luck Michael James was sitting among the sniggering idiots like a king. He glanced my way, but looked away distastefully. I guess he didn't recognize me from the party. Figures.

"Hey look guys its nerd girl!" A dark haired boy name Jared snickered. I rolled my eyes and shifted my weight.

"Can I take your order?" I asked trying to put enthusiasm in my voice.

"Yeah we want three large orders of fries and chicken wings with extra hot sauce!" A boy named Garret ordered. All the boys made sound of agreement. I wrote that down in my book.

"What can I get you to drink?" As I was waiting for their answer when a wave of dizziness crashed over me. My head spun and my breath came in shallow pants. I swayed and the guy on the end caught my arm.

"Damn nerd girl are you okay? Don't fall." They all laughed. I took my arm back and shook my head hoping to clear it.

"I'm fine what did you want to drink?" They said they all wanted ice tea. The dizziness was still spinning around my head and I was starting to feel a little queasy. Sweat pop out along my brow and my clothes felt tight and uncomfortable.

I stumbled through the kitchen door and went to hang the order slip up. Everyone turned to look at me. They looked surprised and concerned at my appearance.

"Hey Nylah are you alright? You look a little green." Joe asked concern lacing his voice. I sighed and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little dizzy." I skated to the drink dispenser and filled a pitcher with sweet tea. I grabbed some cups and headed out. Before I left the kitchen I popped a few of the buttons on my dress to get some air. It was getting way too warm in here.

"Here you go." I leaned over and sat their glasses on the table. Automatically every male eye at the table zeroed in on my exposed chest. I blushed and stood up quickly. A little too fast judging by the swirling in my head.

"Damn nerd girl's got a fine ass rack." One of them said bluntly. I blushed even harder and backed up pulling the tray with me. I sighed in frustration when my order book fell to the ground. I bent to pick it up and my glasses fell off in the process. I cursed and felt around for them. I found them and yelped in surprise when I felt a hand brush my bottom.

"Damn she's got a nice ass too! Nerd girl's stacked!" they all snickered and cheered. I stood up and realized that I never put my glasses back on when their faces became blurry. I shoved them on my face and noticed Michael's eyes widen in recognition.

"Oh shit you're the cutie from the party." He smirked and leaned toward me. I leaned back. The sickness was getting worse my vision was going in and out even with the glasses on.

"Come on baby why don't we pick up where we left off?" His hand snaked out to grab my ass but I smack his hand away.

"Ooo Mike she's feisty. You gonna share?" Some boy with brown hair and eyes had the audacity to snake his hand under my dress and squeeze my ass. I squeaked and removed his hand. I turned and smacked him hard, so hard his head whipped to the side.

The boys laughed and snickered while the boy who touched me glared at me with fire in his eyes. I stumbled backward tripping over my sates. The vertigo overwhelmed me at that point; and my eyes rolled back, and I felt myself tipping backward. I felt arms go around my and hold me upright. I groaned and struggled to stand on my own.

"Hey kids you either get some manners and learn how to treat a lady, or get out of my diner. Act your age and don't touch this girl again." The boy I smacked stood up to protest, but Joe cut him off.

"Sit down and shut up Ricky! You didn't get anything you didn't deserve. Serves you right you horny little snot. If I see it happen again your ass is mine. I know your father." Joe huffed and pulled me along. He sat me down in a chair in the back.

"Thanks Joe." I murmured. The sickness was started to die down, but it was still there.

"Anytime sweetheart. I really think you should go home Nylah. You don't look good at all." I sighed and nodded. It was probably best.

"Yeah okay I guess you're right. We wouldn't want my germ to get into the food. Next thing you know this place will be shut down for health code violations." I joked weakly. He smiled and patted my shoulder.

"Alright sweetheart I hope you feel better." I smiled, gathered my things, and walked out into the cool night air.

A/N: Here you go guys! The next few parts I have pre- typed so I should be able to update pretty quick. Pic of jay on the side!

I want to give a shout out to Werewolf179! :) She was the first to comment! Thank you so much! :)

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