Chapter Five: Sweet Dreams

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I sighed in relief when I was safe in the four familiar walls of my room. I knew tonight was going to be terrible, but I never expected this to happen. That man...or whatever he was, he was the worst part. I could still feel his grubby fingers on my skin; his sickly sweet breath blowing across my skin. I shuddered in revulsion.

I needed a shower like right now. I grabbed my towel and my iPod dock and headed to the shower. I plugged in my iPod, and Beyoncé's Diva blasted through the speakers. As the water cascaded over my skin I nodded my head to the hard back beat.

Eager to erase the feel of his fingers from my skin, I squeezed my citrus body wash on my sponge and started scrubbing. It felt so good and refreshing to let the water take away the stress from my body. When I was clean I just stood under the soothing spray, letting my mind wander.

I expected my thoughts to turn back to the scary man, but they didn't. Instead a certain stunning pair of blue eyes materialized in my mind. The color was so familiar, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out where I had seen them before.

So many emotions were packed into the shiny orbs; I wanted a chance to study them, to break down the arrogance that acted as a front to cover something else he kept hidden. Arrgh! I don't even know what the rest of his face looks like and I already want to pick him apart.

He was such a mystery. The feelings that he evoked in me excited, confused, and scared me at the same time. I wanted so badly to see him again, but that is irrational. I shouldn't have a deep yearning to see a complete stranger again; he could be dangerous, or he could be psychotic. I shook my head at that; as much as I wanted to believe that I couldn't bring myself to think that way, and that scared me.

Deciding that I jacked up the water bill far enough I shut the water off and grabbed a towel. I shut off my music and went into my room to lotion myself. As I pulled on my undergarments the light caught something shiny on my body. I looked down and rolled my eyes at what I found. It was my bellybutton ring.

I only got it on a dare; it's been so long since I gave it any thought that I forgot that I had it. I was a year ago; I was sixteen, and I was going through a rebellious stage. I snuck out with Jay on a school night, and we played truth or dare. It was Jay's turn, and she dared me to get it done. I was reluctant at first, but abuela started calling my phone wondering where I was. Lately she was being overbearingly protective, and it was getting on my nerves; I was missing mom a lot too. I decided to do it just to piss her off and it worked. In the end I ended up being grounded for months. I smiled at the memory, and again my mind did a huge jump back to the pair of blue eyes I've been obsessing over.

I thought about how his harsh command to run made me cry. I don't know why it did; it made me angry that I showed weakness in front of him. I shouldn't be crying over some guy I didn't know. "But he's not some guy," a small part of me whispered. I couldn't help but agree.

I sighed as shivers of delight raced up my spine. Just thinking about his husky voice and piercing eyes made me swoon. Frustrated I yanked my drawer open and pulled out an over-sized t-shirt. Crawling into bed, I rolled over and closed my eyes, letting sleep take over.

I moaned as I felt a pair of heated hands trace the curves of my body. I opened my eyes and soft candle light illuminated the space around me. I was on a huge bed with rose petals lying around me. I sighed as the heated hands continued to caress me. I tried to be afraid; to find the will to push the hands away and run, but I couldn't. They felt utterly right caressing my skin. The emotions running through me threatened to swallow me whole. A single tear ran down the side of my face from the intense pleasure. My mind was racing with the many things I wanted to say, but I couldn't find it in myself to voice any of them.

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