Chapter Four: Big Bad Alpha

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"Aw hell," I muttered as I watched my mate run away from me. It literally tore me apart to watch her run from me. I didn't mean to scare her; I just didn't want her to see me like this. I was so close to the edge; it was a miracle I could shift back in time before she saw my wolf.

The pain filled hiss from behind me caught my attention again. I let out a menacing growl and stalked toward him. When I saw him touching her that way I snapped. How dare he put his hands on her, MY MATE! I would make sure that he would never be able to touch her ever again.

I wrench him up by his neck and slammed him against the wall. He was a shifter; he had a serpent spirit. He hissed in my face and his sickly sweet breath wafted into my nostrils. Rage filled me knowing that he used that sweet scent to lure my mate. I wanted to cut off his breath completely, but that time wasn't now; I needed answers from him.

I let the alpha in me rise to the surface. Wolf or not no one could resist the power rolling off of me in waves. If he were a human the intense power and pressure would kill him.

I leaned in and he cringed away from me. He was already hurt badly from when I pulled him away from her, but he was healing already.

"Look into my eyes and tell me why you are here. I would advise you to give me the right answer if you value your life." Not that it mattered much; he would die shortly. He just laughed a breathy laugh and I tightened my fingers closing more of his wind pipe.

"TELL ME!" I roared, tired of playing games with him. His eyes started to roll to the back of his head due to lack of oxygen. I reluctantly loosened my hold a bit.

"Now," I snarled. "I," he choked gasping for air, "don't answer to mutts like you." I breathed deeply trying my best not to snap his puny neck.

Narrowing my eyes I tightened my grip and leaned closer. "You hurt my mate." I snarled menacingly. "No one touches what's mine. Know that when I get my answers from you I will personally torture you in every way possible until you beg me to take your life." With that I yanked him from the wall and slammed him back into it with excessive force knocking him out.

Pacing away from his pathetic form I tried to get my temper under control. My wolf was pissed that I didn't kill him, but he had answers and that was more important at the moment.

I tensed when I heard the light steps that belonged to Jay. She jumped from the roof above and landed next to the unconscious shifter. She looked at his limp form and looked away distastefully. She started toward me, but not before she landed a good solid kick to his rib cage. The look in her eyes could only be described as rage; it was directed toward me.

"What the hell was that?!" she exploded. "I had him! What the hell possessed you to take my shot? You asshole!" She smacked me hard in the chest. I worked to keep my temper in check. My wolf didn't like her tone. I was her alpha not the other way around.

"Watch yourself Jay; I'm still your superior. Where I was standing it looked like he would have already killed her by the time you got here, and you said you 'had him'" I scoffed. She bristled and stomped her foot.

"I had to take care of the others; you might as well shove that Alpha back because it's not affecting me right now Kieni." She lied boldly; she would never be able to resist my authority, but I decided to humor her.

"Why were you two out anyway? It's dangerous." She rolled her eyes much to my annoyance.

"I had to get Nylah out of the house, she never goes out; she needed to have fun, meet a guy for Pete's sake. I didn't know that she'd run into that." She jabbed her thumb toward the lump on the ground.

I growled at the thought off my mate seeking male attention from someone other than me. She was mine and no one else's.

"Oh, can it Kieni! The last I checked you didn't even want her. She's going to need and want another man in her life. If you have a problem with that I suggest you make up your mind here and now because if you hurt her, Alpha or not, I will kick your ass." She threatened darkly.

"I don't want her!" I snapped back. I said what I couldn't say truthfully, but it was for the good of my sweet little mate.

Her eyes softened and I knew she picked up on what I was feeling. "You're missing out on something beyond wonderful. You have to try Kieni; you don't know how she will accept you if you don't even give her a chance." She said touching my tense shoulder in concern and understanding.

I sighed and schooled my expression. "This isn't why I'm here. There is danger and I need you to come back to the inner realm to figure out some things with the council." I said with authority.

She nodded. "Okay, but who will protect Nylah while I'm gone?" I let out a low whistle and a wolf emerged from the shadows. He was still a pup, but he was more than capable of keeping her safe.

I walked over to the wall were that piece of scum had her pinned. I found some tendrils of her hair and bought it to the pup. He sniffed it and looked up at me expectantly.

"Find her boy; keep her safe. I'm counting on you, she's very important." We looked each other in the eyes as silent understanding passed between us. With that he turned and took off.

I turned to her and she looked at me like I grew another head. "A dog, that's what you want to protect her. Kieni if her powers come in before we get back she will be on the radar of every monster that's waiting for her to pop up. I can't and I will not leave her unprotected Alpha!"

I growled and grabbed her arm. "We have no other choice. Now you pull it together and come with me. I am your Alpha and your will obey!" I used my Alpha tone. I didn't want to on my friend, but we didn't have time to argue.

She whimpered and bowed her head in respect. "Yes Alpha." I picked up the unconscious form of my witness and hoisted him over my shoulder. "Come," I growled and Jay and she complied.

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