Chapter Eleven: Snobs Monsters and Blood... Oh My!

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Once in the bathroom I slammed the stall door closed and leaned against it to breath. Slowly I counted backward from one hundred in my head. Gradually the heat pulsating in my veins eased and the foggy rage cleared from my head. Part of me wanted to hold on to the rage. Part of me liked the feeling of power it gave me. That part of me felt great disappointment in the fact that I didn't set the queen bee and her workers alight.

Feeling a bit more relaxed and put together I decided to come out until I heard voices. Pausing to listen I waited and watched through a crack in the door. Two girls came in. One was blonde and the other had dark hair and green eyes. The green-eyed one spoke first.

"Omg, did you see that Thompson girl today? She looked totally different. She was all plain Jane yesterday." The blonde whispered loudly. "I know right, now her skin is like glowing and her eyes are like this freaky burgundy color." The other fired back. "Boys must be into that because every guy, including my guy, couldn't keep his eyes off of her. It's disgusting." The dark hair one pouted.

"I don't know what they see in her. It's not like she's all that skinny or pretty. And her boobs are totally fake" the blonde said. The green-eyed one nodded in agreement. "She's such a slut. I bet she's slept with half the football team already." The blonde said in distaste. "Yeah and don't forget that she's a man stealer." the other grumbled.

Stepping out of the stall and letting the door fall closed with a bang, I smiled at their looks of complete shock. I nodded in greeting with a cold smile on my face. "Hi, um correct me if I'm wrong but, don't you have to actually have sex to be a slut. Don't you actually have to steal somebody's man to be a man stealer?"

They looked between each other, trying to find a way to answer my blunt question. There was no need; I could see the answer in their guilt stricken expressions. They looked like two little kids caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

I smirked, thoroughly enjoying myself. "That's what I thought, so, next time think before you speak because you never know who just might be listening. Just for the record mine are real and-"I paused to pluck at the tissue that was peeking through the blonde's blouse. "If you're going to stuff your bras make sure no one can see the tissue." She gasped in horror and covered her chest with her arms. Smiling sweetly I nodded toward the door. "Have a nice day." I said through a forced smile. They ducked their heads and retreated through the door.

I turned to lean forward on the sink and let out a big sigh. I couldn't believe I had just done that! The look of pure shock on their faces was priceless. I looked at myself in the mirror and laughed at my bewildered expression. "Oh my gosh, that was so mean of me to say, but it was so worth it." Besides it was less than what they deserved.

Remembering why I was in here in the first place I noticed that I was completely dry. The heat from the rage and adrenaline must have evaporated the water from my skin and clothes. "Neat," I smiled in spite of myself. Some good might come out of these crazy powers. The bad thing was my hair was dry and my curls were flying everywhere.

Groaning I gathered them up and tied them into a messy bun so that a few pieces fell to frame my face. Satisfied I was about to walk out the door when that pesky sense of foreboding crashed into me once again. My senses went on high alert and my muscles tensed.

I slowly opened the door and looked out. Something was not right. It was way too quiet. It was lunch time. There should be tons of noise, kids running around, teachers running errands.

Cautiously I walked back to the cafeteria. I stopped short when I came to the lunchroom doors. They were completely crushed. What used to be the entrance was now a gaping hole. I swallowed past the lump in my throat and crept toward the destroyed set of doors.

My heart was hammering in my chest. There was something seriously wrong here. My senses were running wild. The heat was gathering again. I stuck my head in the hole and almost threw up at what I saw.

Hundreds of the bloodied, mauled carcasses of my peers laid scattered carelessly around the cafeteria floor. It was a blood bath! A massacre! Blood covered every inch of the walls and floors. It was a wonder nobody heard this. The other half of the school was in study hall. I gagged when the strong sent of death and fresh blood slammed into my senses. I held my breath and tried to look past the bodies to find who did this. I wish I hadn't.

What stood in the cafeteria feasting on the innocent students truly was a nightmare. It was black as night itself. It looked like a huge rat with sleek fur and huge dagger-like teeth. It nearly touched the ceiling. The thing had enormous claws and had a body stuck on each one like they were ring pops.

I slowly started backing away hoping to leave unseen and to warn someone. I cringed and froze when my foot hit a piece of rubble. The sound of it hitting the floor seemed to ring out over the silence. The beast ceased its vigorous eating and snapped its head in my direction.

Breathing hard I stumbled backward away from the bloody sight. The monster let out a scream that could fell a giant. The adrenaline returned like never before and I sprang into action.

I ran through the halls as fast as I could with the thing hot on my trail. It was still screeching its horrible scream. It took a swipe at me with its deadly claws and I sprang on top of the lockers still running with all I had.

Scrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeccccccccccccchhhhhhhh! His claws tore the row of lockers apart as I ran, forcing me to jump down. I finally saw the doors that lead to the front of the school and burst through them. I was forced to jump the whole flight of stairs. The beast tore the whole front of the school apart, forcing himself through the door.

I had to think and fast. I needed to run somewhere that would be easy for me to get through, but difficult for him. The woods! He may be able to knock down a single tree, but multiple might be too difficult.

Turns out I was right. He roared in frustration as roots and trees tripped him up. I was darting over fallen braches and under low tree limbs. I was moving so fast! The speed was incredible. Despite the seriousness of the situation I found myself enjoying the feel of the wind in my hair. My heart soared when I leaped over a particularly high rock.

My heart dropped somewhere around my shoes when I felt the air stir around me. He was bringing his paw out preparing to snatch me out of midair. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as I pushed my body to twist out of his grasp. When I came to face him. I released the heat I had been holding in. He wailed in agony as my heat scorched his face.

I landed sure and true and kept running. I knew where I was going. This path leads to my house. I was close and I still haven't got rid of him. He was supposed to be trapped by now.

Just as I thought that I felt him unbearably close behind me. It was as if he was going to trample me. Then it hit me. I must have blinded it when I burned it. I dropped down on my side to slide on the bed of leaves on the forest floor. It flew past me and fell to the ground.

I jumped to my feet and looked at it. It started to move and just as I made up my mind to run four abnormally large wolves jumped out of nowhere and pounced on the beast. They started tearing into its flesh with menacing growls and snarls.

I stood there watching eyes wide with fear and wonder. The wolves were huge. Bigger than Feroz. I snapped out of it when one snapped its head in my direction. I turned and ran toward the safety of my house.

A/N: Here you go! Next chapter the story really begins! :) See ya soon!

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