Chapter Seven: Puppy Love

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I sighed and looked back at the enormous mass of fur and claws that was lying across my back seat. I had no idea how I was going to get him past abuela. She didn't like dogs or any animals in her house. "Too much of a mess!" she'd say. I highly doubt she would appreciate a dog that was taller than me staying in her house. But I couldn't just leave him there! He had little splinters in his paw that need to be removed.

As I drove through the busy streets of New York I noticed that the dog/wolf thing was watching me. His stare was so intense and intelligent it was scary. His eyes resembled a human's much more than any other wolf I had seen.

Beeeeppp! I jumped and squealed wrenching the wheel to the right to get back in my own lane. He growled and shifted around to get comfortable again. I sighed and shook my head.

We finally made it home and by the grace of God abuela was not home yet. I hopped out the car but stopped short when I felt the pain shoot up my ankle.

"Crap," I cursed. I forgot that I landed on it wrong when I was trying to get away from that thing. I carefully limped to the back seat and opened the door to let the wolf dog out.

He let out an enthusiastic bark, rose up on his hind legs, planted his massive paws on my shoulders and planted an enormous kiss on my cheek. Slobber and all.

"DOWN BOY!" I tried my best to push him off and eventually he sat back on the ground, looking up at me with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. I rolled my eyes and started up the drive. My sharp whistle had the wolf dog sprinting after me. He even pushed past me and approached the door slowly, cautiously before sniffing around the threshold. When he felt it was safe he yipped and sprinted through the open door.

Chuckling I walked in after him. He ran into the living room and before he could jump onto the couch, I waved my arms and screamed like a banshee until he got the message.

"Boy you better keep off that couch. Abuela would have our necks if she found you on that couch." It was bad enough he was in the house; no need to add to the already roaring fire. He let out a huff of protest and plopped down on the plush rug. I nodded and went to the kitchen to try and find something big enough to feed him in.

A few minutes passed before I found a big silver mixing bowl for him to drink water out of and another bowl for food. I didn't know what he would want to eat, but judging by the size of his canines it wouldn't be dry kibble.

I walked to the fridge and pulled out the steak I planned on making for Sunday dinner. Oh well. I tore the plastic off of the huge T-bone slice and plopped it in the bowl.

I placed the two bowls on the ground and he came rushing forward. He sniffed at the meat suspiciously. I jumped and giggled when he suddenly snatched it up and started devouring it. It was gone in minutes. He took the time to drink most of the water than took the bones to his spot on the carpet and stated to gnaw.

Shaking my head I dashed up the stairs to take a quick shower. I hoped to bathe him before abuela came home. It would make it easier for her to accept him if he was clean.

When I stepped out the shower I grabbed a towel and wiped the water out of my eyes. When I opened them it was as if I didn't just wipe the water from them; everything was blurred. Taken by surprise, I stumbled and landed on my ankle wrong. I hissed at the throbbing pain that shot up my already sore ankle.

Hopping to my room I grumbled under my breath. This sucked! I was doing so well and now this! Every once and a while my vision would just go out. Abuela took me to the eye doctor who then sent me to a specialist. They said that they couldn't find anything worth operating on, so they gave me a pair of thick lensed black nerd glasses. They worked wonders, but even still the edges of my vision would be blurry.

I fumbled around on my dresser until I found them. I slipped them on my face with a pout and continued to lotion and dry myself. I combed through my damp curls and threw the up in a loose ponytail.

After I wrapped my ankle I walked down the stairs and whistled for my new dog to come to me. He followed me into the laundry room. With curious eyes he watched as I filled the enormous tub with water and soap. I grabbed a towel, an old brush, and my hair dryer.

"Alright wolfie lets get you into the tub. Miraculously he put his front paws on the rim of the tub and jumped. It was a tight squeeze, but it worked if he sat.

"Wow you're huge." Even sitting in the tub he was still taller than me.

Eventually he was clean and dry and I was soaked. I trudged into the living room and fell onto the couch in exhaustion. He can over and nestled his massive head in my lap. I smiled and stroked his soft fur.

"What are we going to call you?" I murmured softly. "How about Feroz? It means fierce in Spanish." He rumbled in what seemed like satisfaction and I smiled, rubbing behind his ears. Just then abuela decided to walk in the house.

"Mija, where-, oh my good Lord Nylah what is that monster thing doing in my house?!" she screeched in outrage and fear.

Feroz jumped up and looked at abuela warily. I jumped up and rubbed his head to let him know she wasn't a threat.

"It's alright Feroz she won't hurt us. Abuela please don't freak out. I found him out on the streets and he hurt his paw; I couldn't just leave him there in the cold." As if he realized that I was trying to appeal to abuela's soft heart he lifted his paw, tilted pleading eyes in her direction, and let out a low pitiful whine. I giggled internally and shook my head. This dog was just too smart.

"See look at his paw; I still have to pull out the splinters." I said with a pout of my own. I could visibly see abuela's resolve wavering. She shifted her weight and tried to look away from our gazes. Finally she rolled her eyes and heaved a huge sigh.

"Aye aye aye, is he dangerous?" I quickly shook my head no. Her face twisted as she tried to make a decision. Eventually she sighed and nodded.

"Alright, but you will take care of him, feed him,bathe him, walk him, pay for his vet bill, all of that. And you keep that monster off of my couch!" I squealed in delight and watched her huff and storm out of the room.

I turned to look at Feroz. He looked back at me with his tongue hanging out his mouth. He looked so pleased it was almost as if he were grinning. I giggled but stopped short. It was strange, the glint in his eye. It was so intelligent, like he understood what I was saying enough to apprehend what I was feeling and the significance of what just transpired.

I felt my heart squeeze with affection when he nudged his head under my hand sweetly. Smiling I rubbed his head tenderly. "Come on Feroz lets take care of your paws."

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