The Last Cut

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  • Dedicated to Those who've been abused and broken. Things will only get better.

"I fucking hate you James!", I shouted slamming the door with my leg as the tears rushed down my face. I locked the door quickly once I heard steps coming up the stairs. I panted around the room and stuggled to pull my desk over the door to block him from coming in. The steps began to become louder and louder and I jumped back before he began to pound on the door angrily.

"Cassie! Open this fucking door, right now!", he shouted banging on it furiously.

I looked around the room quickly before my gaze fell upon the window. 

"Cassie!", he shouted more angrily.

I looked at the window and struggled to lift it up. I heard the door practiclly breaking as I popped it open. 

"Cassie! I'm sorry, I won't hurt you. Please open the door."

"Fuck you," I said before hopping out the window and closing it shut. I ran through the back yard. I didn't know where I was going but I heard thunder. A lot of thunder, and drops hit my face as I jumped over the gate and stopped to catch my breath. The rain was pouring harder now, much harder than before and I ran onto the road, pretending to casually walk down the sidewalk.

I was trying to calm down, I was trying to stop crying but everytime I thought about it, tears just came rushing down my face. I started running, because I didn't want anyone to see me. I didn't want people to ask me what was wrong or was I okay because I wasn't. I walked into something hard and solid and  I felt my body fall to the ground.


All that was going through my head was that he caught me and that I was going to be punished. I opened my eyes and lifted my head slowly. I was in a room, on someone's bed. I placed my hand on my head and it was wrapped with an ice pack on it.

"Hello?", I asked getting out of the room.

A lady walked in and not just any lady. Karen. James girlfriend. She must of called him, and he was going to pick me up from here and punish me, I just knew it.

"Cassie, how are you dear?"

I grabbed my bag and began to walk out the door, "I have to go."

She ran in front of me and blocked my way, "No! You can't."

"Karen....get the hell out of my way before I bite your fucking ass."

She slowley moved away from the door and once I put my hand on the knob she laughed. Not those happy laughs that you do when people say something funny, it was one of those laughs where you can hear the evilness.

"You do know that your dad will be expecting you here?"

I turned around facing her, "He's not my dad."

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever you want to call him."

I just stood there waiting for James to come when I heard the door twist. I wanted to try to run again. Once he came in I was going to run past him and into the roads where I could get hit by a car and die. The door knob slowley turned and a young boy about my age stepped inside the house.

"Alex? What are you doing here?", Karen asked looking as guilty as ever.

He ignored her and pushed past me, walking up the stairs.

"Alex! I'm talking to you."

"Fuck off Karen," he groaned and slammed the door to his room.

The door opened once more and ther stood James. 

He ran towards me and pulled me into a hug, "I've been worried sick about you," he sighed.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him off, "You can drop the act. Alex is in his room."

He smiked, "Well, go get him."

I glared at him and began to walk up the stairs. I opened his room door and he was laying down on his bed staring at the ceiling.

"Karen wants you downstairs."

He ignrored me and continued to stare at the ceiling.

I sighed, "Look she really wants you downstairs."

He rolled his eyes, "No shit. She wants me down there so bad that she can't even get up and ask me herself," he replied sarcasticly. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, waiting for him to get up. He finally gave in and stared at me.


He rolled his eyes, "Your blocking the door way."

I moved out of the way, "Oh. Right."

He ran down the stairs quickly and I ran down after him.

"Guys, you should sit down," James said pushing me down on the shoulder to sit down on the couch. I brushed him away and scooted closer to Alex who was on my the other couch. Karen ruffled Alex hair and he ended up getting up and sitting next to me instead.

Karen sighed and grabbed James hand and kissed it. I shruddered in disgust.

"James and I are getting married."

"What the fuck?", I shouted standing up.

"Cassie, watch your language," my dad said glaring at me.

"I'll give you something to watch," I said sticking my middle finger.

"You can't get married!", Alex shouted at Karen.

"Alex it's been seven years since your dad died and I-I just can't wait anymore. I'm in love," she said staring at her wedding ring which was already on her finger.

Yeah right....In love with his checkbook.

"Don't even talk about dad! Your a trader!," he shouted at Karen slamming his fist into the table.

She jumped and closed her eyes shut, "Alex-

"I fucking hate you!", he shouted running out of the house and slamming the door.

My dad sighed and placed his hands in his face.

"Cassie, go find him," he murmured.

"What? No."

"Cassie! Go find Alex or I'll beat the fucking shit out of you when we get home."


He took his hands from his face and slapped me," Cassie!"

I held my face and stared at Karen who of course did absouutly nothing. I walked out the house and slammed the door angrily. How the hell am I supposed to find him in the middle of no where? I sighed and walked over to the nearby forest. In Forks,  theres plenty of land and trees. I broke the 'Do Not Enter' sign apart and stepped in.

The forest was cold and moist, after it was raining a few minutes ago. I sighed and looked around to see a treehouse. I jumped ontop of the bark and began climing the tree. I was almost at the top when I stepped on a weak branch and was about to fall when a hand caught me. I looked up and saw Alex.

"Cassie?", he asked hositing me up onto the platform.


He shrugged and turned the other way.

"We should probally go back."

"I should probally do a lot of things that I don't do," he said glaring at me.

"Well I'm gonna head back..."

"No ones stopping you."

"You know you don't have to push everyone who's trying to help you away," I shot back at him.

He smirked and shrugged, "Welcome to the family."

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