Lilth clenches her jaw. "I don't love her."

I ignore Lilth and walk away leaving her to her thoughts. I lean over Margret shoulder and ask, "What are you doing? What is taking so long?"

"These things doesn't take a few minutes to do. I need space."

I growl. Margret fear of us was completely gone. I blame Lilth for this. She turn around and narrow her eyes at me. "I'm serious Zillah. Back off. Please—"Her eyes widen. "—watch out!"

I cringe when someone grab the back of my neck. I'm thrown on the ground with so much force that I almost back out. However, Margret faint scream forces me to get up. I blink my eyes open to get rid of the dizziness. Astra has Lilth pin to the wall and Lilth is struggling to get out of her hold.

I get on my two feet and cringe trying to ignore the pain in my head.

She's out of control.

I bawl my fist at the voice in my head.

Take back control.

I rush over and yank Astra away from Lilth. "Go." I order the both of them. Astra turns on me and her eyes are raging orange. She pushes me into the other wall and I relax. I breathe in slowly and stare into her eyes. I cock my head to the side and Astra hisses at me. She then pause and her eyes widen in surprised. She hums and buries her face in my neck and again I'm on the other side of this. Her hands are all over my body and I sigh in desire. I'm usually the one doing all the inappropriate touching.

Take back control.

Astra nips down on my neck and a moan escape my mouth.

This is not control.


Astra pulls away and looks at me oddly. "You're crazy." She tells me. She looks me up and down and I wonder if her memories of us are coming back or not.

I grab her hips.

She scowl. "You promised you wouldn't hurt me." She hisses before biting down on my collarbone with her fangs harshly.

I growl and push her away. She furrow her eyebrows and her eyes are memorizing. "You don't like it rough?" She taunts as she licks the blood dripping from her lips.

"My Astra doesn't like it rough."

This seems to bother her. Her lip turns up and she frowns before spatting, "We are the same."

"You're different."

"Get use to it." She snarls.

I shake my head and change the subject. "Margret was only helping. She's a friend of yours. Remember? You should let her finish running the test." I move a strand of hair out of her face. "She's going to help you."

"I don't need her help." Astra smacks my hand away. "There is nothing wrong with me. So, tell your friendly friend to stay away from me."

I arch my eyebrow. Astra voice is low and raging with jealously. I almost chuckle but I knew that wasn't a good idea. "Friends don't stick other friends with needles." She scowl.

"She's not like them." I try.

"I don't trust you." Astra hiss. "Now move!"

You've tried it your way.

I growl and lose my patience.

Take back control.

If not talking calm to Astra wasn't going to work then I had to switch it up. I push her into the chair and her eyes widen before she tries to fight me off. "Stay still." I order. I fall to my knees and scoff at the idea of anyone seeing me in such a vulnerable state.

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