Chapter 4: Being truthful

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Chapter 4

Nick’s POV

            “Easiest season opener ever!” Zach stated.

            “That wasn’t even a game,” Derek agreed.

            “Exactly,” I added putting all my stuff in my sports bag.

            “Are you guys coming to my house now? Or are you dropping by later? Matt and Jared are coming.” Zach has the perfect parents and house for parties: the million dollar mansion and the “couldn’t care less” business parents. That, my friends, is the life.

            “Is it okay if Emma comes?” Derek asked.

            Zach shrugged, “Sure, whatever. Nick?”

            Now if I want to make it seem like Emma and Matt hooked up during Emma and Derek’s “rough patch”, then this is the perfect time for me to lay down some ground work.

            “I’ll be there,” I smirked to myself.

            I pull up to Zach’s drive. Everyone’s car is already parked in the rich marble driveway. Completed with the fountain, Emma’s made her death wish. I go in the kitchen and see that the guys were hanging around.

            “Nick!” Derek shouted. I see Emma look my way with a look of disgust. No girl has ever looked at me that way. That I’ve noticed that is.

            I walk over giving Derek a fist bump, “D, Emma.”

            Derek left to go talk to Jared, Matt and Zach. And then there was Emma and I.

            “Good job today Nick, you did amazing,” she said, “as always.”

            I smirked, “Well what can I say? I’m not quarterback for nothing.”

            “No offence, but you sure are...confident when it comes to, well, just about everything,” she stated then talking a sip of her drink.

            What is that suppose to mean? This is why I usually don’t date smart girls. It’s hard to impress them, and half the time they say smart ass comments.

            “When someone says no offence, they usually say something offensive,” I crossed my arms and lean against the counter.

            “Stop fucking around Nick,” she says out of the blue.

            “What are you talking about?”

            She shook her head and turn to look me straight in the eyes, “You really think you can fool me with your million dollar smile and that charm? I don’t believe any of those words that came out of your mouth earlier today.”

            “You think I’m charming huh?”

            “I like Derek. So don’t even think about breaking us up,” she said awfully quiet.

            I smirked, “just looking out for my wingman here, nothing personal.”

            “Well you sure are making it personal,” she mumbled.

            I look down at Emma. She looks vulnerable, naive and I feel like the big bad wolf. Well a sexy wolf that is. But seriously, what’s life without stepping on a few toes?

Bro Tips, from the ProOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora