Dance With The Devil

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The time loops began falling together. Different moments in time split together.

My ears rang, as my body had a hard time standing. My arm bled out as monsters smacked me like a rag doll. I hit a wall, and fell.
I sat starring at the others. How was this going to end? Would I have to sacrifice myself? I pulled myself up, one with glowing red eyes starred into me.
"I sacrifice for the better," I said starring at it, a smirk grow upon his face. Everything stopped, the monsters vanished. My heart stopped, this was it.
"I give up," I dropped the black steal sword, "Give freedom to them,"
Everyone froze as my voice spoke. The monster appeared as a person.
A man about the age of me. I felt my heart rate increase.
Before I knew it, Alfred was standing in front of me. "Don't you lay a hand on her," he held his gun out to the mans face, Arthur had given a look to Al.
The man smirked, "Your weapons don't scare me, step away from the girl,"
"And if I don't?" Al said back, the man sighed.
"I'll have to make you," his hand want up and, Al want flying into the table. "Now, you" his hand stayed out, I backed up.
Arthur want flying into him.
"You back the fucking bloody hell away from my baby sister you git,"
Arthur's eyes were glowing white. His magic was horribly strong. "Arthur don't over use your magic!" Al said getting up, I stood frozen in my tracks. They were both fighting. I felt my skin turn cold.
Alfred ran up to me, "Come on!" I couldn't move, I blinked and felt my body lock.
Arthur throw the man back and forth between walls and objects.

The_Time_LoopOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora