Doomed to Repeat

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England looked at the papers before him. He had wanted to go after his little sister but wanted to give her the space she needs.
America stood leaning on the wall. He was in thought. What Italy and Russia had said about the hole magic thing. Than with his sisters knife trick. He shook his head and starts over at England sitting at the table. "England," he said walking over surely to confront him of what he'd done to this sister.
"What the hell did you do to my baby sister," he stood behind him, England looked up and stood turning to him. "What the blood hell do you mean?"
America was flustered very now, he voice began to raise his voice.
"You made my sister into Something like YOU! With your powers that are completely worthless half of the time!" America yelled at England, France and Canada watched surprised.
"America you can stop," France said walking over, but America only kept ranting on.
"You were the one leaving her with me 24/7, she was a child America"
"That's the thing! You showed her fucking magic!? Is that why for like three years she locked herself away from both me and everyone! I knew that was a bad idea!"
"America please just stop!" Canada said going over to him, America only got angered.

"Al you don't even get it, I didn't do anything to her! She showed me and I helped her! You'd understand if could to if you calm yourself!" England said, "YOUR FUCKING CRAZY GET OUT OF MY LIFE ENGLAND!" America yelled pushing England into the table, England fell to the ground. Canada grabbed him, "AL!" he yelled.
Arthur looked at them and held his head. England's hand waved up and swung down glowing white...America and Canada vanished.
"Canada! America! Oh my god what did you do?" Francis said helping him up, Arthur looked at him.
"Sent them into the past"
"Why thoses two?" Francis asked, "He was pissing me off, and besides, the loop I put them in will make Alfred rethink what he just did,"
Francis nodded helping him up.

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