Another way

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It was the present loop. England ran through doors and halls with Japan.
"Dammit, we're blocked in!" England said as he began slamming his weight against the door. Japan looked around, the black smoke was emerging from the ground again. "Its coming we have to fight it," Japan said, England nodded.
The large beast had appeared. "Here goes nothing," Japan said before battleing, their skills worked only slightly. "Japan" England said putting his arm out grabbing his shoulder. England had pulled his spell book out.
He'd begin speaking Latin words quickly. Him and Japan and their fist together now. A multiple group of green stripes began twirling around the two.
This was a battle to be know for. The ground shook as England and Japan grabbed one another's wrist holding on tight as they could.
If they would let go during the spell, it'd be death awaiting them.
The ground shook rapidly. The monster had horrid red eyes that starred into the two nations.
"Just keep holding on!" England yelled gripping Japan, the spell book unlatched from England's hand, along with the other books on the shelves.
The force of the magic had only beginning to get stronger. As Japan spoke a few Japanese chants the beast had a slow disappointed look growing on its face.
As items hit the ground and walls the beast exploded into a ash like substance. The magic stopped, the two nations fell to the ground before one another.
They looked at each other.
"You okay?" Asked England, Japan looked frightened almost. His heart rate had been pushed up. "I should be okay," Japan said blinking a few times and looking around. The two stood up and looked over to a door. The sound of footsteps hit their ear drums.

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