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"How my fingers am I holding up?" England asked worried, I waited a moment for my vision to clear. "Three?" I questioned, he hug me tightly, "Don't ever do something like that again," I felt him slightly begin to let go.
England helped me into the basement hallway. Prussia, Germany, Japan and Italy were standing there. I tried standing on my own for a few moments but nearly fell. "Wooh, M, you okay?" Prussia held my shoulder so I wouldn't fall. "The beast came back, attacked before it could hurt me, Mary was there taking the hit," Italy said walking toward me and added, "She saved my life with her prefect timing," Italy smiled happily for my somehow good timing skills, I smiled slightly back and Prussia gave me a grin. I held on to the wall trying not to fall. I was still very much light headed from whatever the hell just happened. "We should get back to base before it comes back," Japan said walking toward the door to the first floor. I nodded and followed for a moment. "Hold on, your gonna break something," Prussia said and picked me up, I sighed and want along with it. He has been my friend sense forever it seems like.
Prussia carried me into the safe room and into the room with the beds. The others stood at the large table talking to Italy.
"Italy what happened in the basement?" Canada asked, Italy took a minute to think.
"I was in the corridor, I wanted to know where it lead to. But the monster showed up, and before the beast could hit me,"

"America called you?" Prussia took a rag to my shoulder, cleaning the blood from it. "Yeah, so I hurried and came, I heard you yell for everyone to get down," I said taking my jacket completely off, Prussia sat on the bed in front of me. "Mhm, but you said you killed the monster? How you were by yourself?" Prussia starred into my eyes, I nodded, he still starred at me resting the rag on the cut on my cheek. I starred to get that weird stomach feeling again. Prussia moved the rag slightly an blood dripped onto my hand. The galls on my shoulder stayed put from the tape. He rubbed his thum on the white tape. I pulled my dirtly blonde hair up.

"Your sister...She came out of no where and saved me...She did some weird thing and burned the monster," Italy lastly said looking at Canada than to England and America. Russia looked confused, "What do you mean 'weird thing' may you describe what had happened," Russia said leaning forward in a chair, Italy nodded,
"Well, before I ran out of the hall, I heard May yelling something it Latin, than black smoke and a large symbol appeared on the floor, it was some sort of witchcraft or magic I think,"
"I see, so I'm guessing its from England," France added thinking about Italy's story, England looked away and walked into to the other room.

The two of us were still sitting there. Before I knew it Prussia leaned into me and hugged me. He was really warm for a hurt man. I hugged him back slightly tighter than he was to me.
England stood at the door frame. He stood watching silently. "Hm" England said "You should probably come out here if your feeling well Mary," he walked out of the room, I followed behind them. Canada looked at me and hugged me. "Your okay!" Canada said, than America walked over. He gave me a weird look before hugging me. "So you got my message," he smiled as well as myself.
"So there's more than one witch in the room," Russia said standing feet before me, I stepped back. "What the hell are you talking about," I said stepping up. Russia gave me a look that should have cautioned me. "Well you standing up uh? The Italian told us what happened," I looked at Italy, he seemed frightened, his lips said "I'm sorry," but with no sound, I nodded at Italy.

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