Chapter 5

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Nothing to say. Probably wont update you on my life ;) too often lol

<3 Ky

Previously: ~Lisey's POV~ 

"Would you PALEASE stop interrupting me!!" She yelled, spitting all up in my face. Clearing my face scrunched up in disgust as I wipe it off and went to clean my face and hand. I wiped my hand on my jeans, disgusted. I grabbed laughing Jamie's hand. She was still in pj's but I didn't care, and from the looks of it; she didn't car either. She sat in the passenger seat and I drove off.

By the time we arrived to school, she was still in a daze. I got out, closing the door and leaving her behind. I walked in before I was late. I looked at the clock. I got 2 minutes. I hurry to my locker, thankful that its at the front of the school. Just as the bell rings I have sitten down in my seat. Jamie is my first class, thank god. But also Seth is too. I wonder if he will talk to me...

~~~~~ Lisey's POV ~~~~~

I looked around the lunchroom. Jamie finally got the idea, she was wearing her ducky pj's and got so embarrased she turned beet red. And probably the darkest shade of red I have ever seen! She said she would be back at lunch, and I don't see her anywhere! 

I sighed, blew on my hair so it would blow up and right back into my face, and did the mad face people always do, I mean I hope so... I sat at my regular table eating my turkey sandwich. I got a bite of my apple, not feeling too hungry.

 I took a sip of my water, already feeling bored without Jamie. I sighed and took out my iPhone texing Jamie. She texted back...

'B ther n 5'

Of course she uses slang. I sigh and play fruit ninja and hear a plate set down on the table. Thinking it was Jamie, I looked up happily. But frowned when I saw who it was. And it wasn't Jamie. It was Seth...

"What do you want?" I hissed. 

"I-I want to apoligize."

"Apoligize for what?" I asked smiling and turned my head sideways. 


"There is nothing to apoligize for. Nothing happened. Got it?" I said. I picked up my food, no appitite anymore if I had any at all. I threw away the rest of my food but kept the water. I went outside, needing fresh air.

'Meet me outside' I texted Jamie.


I sat down on a bench they had outside and looked up at the sky. It was a beautiful day out. I feel like going to the beach. Jamie covered my face and asked; "Guess who."

"Who, who? Jamie?" 

"Really?" She asked taking her hand away from my face. I giggles and sat up. I patted the seat next to me and frowned. She shook her head and grabbed my hand. She led me to the bathroom checking to see if anyone was here.

I just stood there confused. She nodded and I got that the coast was clear and she locked the door. "Whats wrong?" She asked. I sighed and sat down on the bathroom counter that had the sinks. It felt weird at first but I finally got used to it.

"It's him... Again..." I said sighing. She hopped up there with me and said;

"Why don't we have a little girl time. You know hang out this weekend. To take things off your mind. Huh huh?" She asked nudging me. I laughed a little. She's bi, and hits on me all the time. I never really tell people. She is more into guys, but is coming out of the closet a little. I was the first person she told. I smiled smugly at myself.

 I nodded at the thought of going over to her place and hanging out. It would be fun. "Okay sure." I said. She hugged me and I chuckled at her. She jumped down and went inbetween my legs and placed her head on her hands. I backed up a little and did the same. She looked up to my eyes, and gave me her puppy dog eyes. But I shook my head, she wanted a kiss.

I am straight. She quickly pecked on my lips, but it lasted a little longer and then she ran. I sighed at her and shook my head. I hopped down and started to run after her. She wasn't too much of a runner so she shouldn't have gotten far. I looked at the time. Dang 8 minutes until lunch is over...

I caught up to her and rested my hand on her shoulder and she jumped in repsonse I fell but she quickly caught me, and oh so close to her face. I pushed her away shaking my head and laughing. I saw Seth looking angry at his locker. I quickly shushed Jamie and did the finger signal of 'follow me'.

I saw that he was with a girl. She had a sort of black hair. Almost jet black. I couldn't see her eyes too good but they were dark. Probably a dark brown. Over all she was really pretty! I saw her around school once, I think. Her hair was a little curly. But I need her name... 

"Spencer, we can't go on. I-I-"

"You what!?" 'Spencer' said. I was hoping she was Spencer.

"I kissed another girl." He said flinching back

"... Really, Seth? Just really? I can't be-lieve you! Do you even know me!?" She asked looking mad.

"Well I know you favorite colors are a light neon green, a dark shade of pink you like to call 'raspberry', and hot pink. I know that you almost ALWAYS wear your hair down no matter how hot or cold it is outside. And the most important thing most men forget is your birthday. And our anniversary. I met you on your birthday and we hooked instantly. It's August 28th." He said out of breath. He only took a couple breaths as he talked. And by golly that was alot of words!

"Oh, Seth, you know me so well..." She said leaning up to kiss him. A pang of jealousy washed over me as I saw them make out.

"Oh... Spence" He mumbled

"Can I..." I walked away pulling Jamie with me before I could hear the rest that she said. I was planning to have a talk with him, tonight before I am going over to Jamie's.

~Seth's HOUSE (NOT POV)~

I sighed as I sat there. I have been sitting here for 2 minutes. I finally decided to go in. I knocked on the door. An 30-40 year old woman answered the door. "Hello, sweetie. You must be one of Seth's friends. Come in. His room is down on this floor, walk down that hall and its the last one on the left." I nodded and looked to see that it wasn't 2 storys. Oh. She must think I am rich with the clothing I wear. 

I went to the hall she was pointing at. There was 5 rooms. Or I guess 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I dunno. I walked to the door and knocked, trying not to be rude. I heard some shuffling and then opened the door. What I saw, can't be unseen...


Yes, I wrote this chapter quickly. All in about 3 hours? This was done in my extra free time :D yay me! 

<3 Ky

Him And His Nerdy GlassesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon