Chapter 15

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Here it finally is... The thing you have been waiting for...


<3 Ky

Previously: Lisey POV

I can't believe it... My dad died. I couldn't imagine living my life without him... I sniffled as I waited for him. I need to apoligize to Jamie. I never checked the calender... I know today is Friday but... No... It couldnt be! I went on my iPhone and there it was. In bold lettering...


I knew it! Thats why:

My car wouldn't crank...

Why me and Jamie aren't friends...

Why we got in the car crash...

And why my dad died...

Sadness subsided, replaced with anger. I got a note and left it on my bed, and picked up my converse. It was a little hard with the cast on but I finally got them on. Luckily I had on my regular clothes on. I opened the door and stomped out of the hospital, ignoring all the pleads from doctors and nurses. 

I had to go there... I had to go back. Back to where I went when I was sad, where I went with my dad all the time. I just needed to be alone...

~~~~~ Seth POV ~~~~~

As I went to bring Jamie in the room I already knew she left. Her door was wide open and she had a note left on the bed. I had to litterally drag her here and she's GONE!? I angrily read the note.

Sorry Seth,

I had to do this... I couldn't take the stress and need to go. By the time you are reading this I will already be there. Sorry again Seth. I still love you and I will totally make up for it ;)

:::x:::O:::x::: Lisey :::x:::O:::x:::

I put the note down. She needed space... "Is everything okay Seth?" Jamie asked. I jumped in surprise; I forgot she was here!

"Yeah, everythings fine..." I mumbled to her. I sat down on the bed and patted my side. We had some catching up to do...

~Lisey POV~

I sat beneath the cherry tree. It's bright pink leaves falling off by the wind. More cherry trees surrounded me, but I always picked this one. Don't ask me how I remember. I just do... I brung my knees up to my chest and rested my head on them. I sighed as I looked at the scenery around me. A tiny lake sat about 5 feet away and trees surrounded me. 

It was peaceful, a little park no one went to sat about 7 trees away, and I closed my eyes a little. Feeling a little sleepy I took my jacket off, having a nice sweater on the fall, September, day. I sighed peacefully as I put my hands behind my head laying on the jacket. I closed my eyes and peacefully drifted off to sleep, forgetting all my problems.


I instantly sat up. Woah. Weird dream... All memorys flooding back into my mind a little tear went down my cheeck. I felt the wind pick up, and I grabbed my sweater putting it on. I got up and walked to the park and sat down on a swing. The wind which was becoming very strong pushed the swings, plus the one I was on. Wonders on what mother nature can do...

I grabbed my gloves out of the pockets and then grabbed onto the chains of the swing. I made myself go higher until I was the point where I passed the top pole that connected every swing. I leaned my body back, not afraid and let the wind flow into my hair. Wind picking up each time I let go. I held my arms onto it just a little bit.

I smiled to myself and felt like I was flying. The feeling like my cast was off and I was in the sky with the birds, happily and peacefully flying with them, without having a care in the world. 

~Seth POV~

I drove around until I found her on this old park no one went to and cherry trees surrounding it. She was smiling to herself as she swung on the swing. I stopped a few feet away and snuck up on her. She screamed and fell off. I caught her and she laughed. I put my forehead to her forehead. She stopped and looked at me intently.

"I love you" We both said at the same time, we laughed a little but it died quickly.

"Seth, you can let me down now" She said. I put her down. She giggled at me and then grabbed my hand. This may sound stupid but, I think tingles coursed through my body. "Seth? Seth! Follow me, silly!!!" She said tugging on my arm.

"Okay, okay God..." I followed as she tugged on my arm. She led me to this tree. Now we were surrounded by trees. We couldn't see out, and I hope no one could see in. Because the next thing I did was unsuitable for children. *Wink wink*


LOL. Its PG so NO SEXAY SCENCE :P (for all you pervs) and plus, personally, they creep me out... Especially writing them *SHIVER!* !! Cya!

<3 Ky 

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