"In second place it's Fairy Tail B and in first it's Fairy Tail A" Mato continued and I turned to my team and hi fived them all, grinning at one and another as I heard Master and the rest of the guild cheer us on.

"Now, you may all return back to your hotels and get ready for tomorrow's battle. Hidden!" Mato finished, sending us all back to our dorms for the night. As soon as we got back, everyone crashed in the rooms, making themselves comfortable before we all fell asleep, awaiting the next day eagerly.

*Next Day*

My team gathered in the Domus Flau as we awaited Mato to make an announcement. We didn't have to wait long before he appeared.

"Alright, let's start kabo. Let's start with hidden. Teams please choose your participants kabo" Mato began, turning to us as he awaited our decisions. We all nodded and the participants stepped forth. Gray from our team, Rufus from the other. Sabertooth sent out Alexis, Quatro Cerberus Yeager, Lamia Scale Lyon, Twilight Ogre Thibault, Mermaid Heel Millianna and Eve from Blue Pegasus.

"Alright, you know the rules. You have to find and hit the opponent. Hit them and you get a point for your team. However, there are many statues of your opponents, hit them and you lose a point. Take your places. 30 minutes on the clock, kabo" Mato finished, sending everyone into their spots. I watched as the town appeared, however it was different. There were large spaces and more houses, making the maze like town a lot harder to navigate through. I watched the Lacrima Vision as Gray and Rufus both took their positions in the town.

"GO GRAY! WOOOO YEAH RUFUS!" I screamed, cheering them on

"You better not lose again Ice Princess" Natsu yelled, causing a tick to appear on Gray's ahead

"SHUT UP FLAME BRAIN" Gray yelled back, causing me to giggle and try and stop Natsu from jumping into the town to pick a fight.

I watched as the Hidden battle began, Rufus and Gray now had five points and were currently hiding from the other opponent. There were 10 minutes left and I looked for Alexis, the mage from Sabertooth, however she was nowhere to be found, I kept my eyes out for her anyway.

Soon Lyon had found Gray and both were battling it out with their Ice Make Magic, Gray's inanimate Ice against Lyon's animated Ice.

"I'm not going to lose against you Gray. Ice Make Tiger" Lyon called out, a tiger forming out of ice

"Psh, yeah you are. Ice Make Prison. Ice Make Lance" Gray called out, trapping both Lyon and his tiger in the prison before hitting Lyon with his Ice Make lance

"Wha- HOW?!" Lyon called out and Gray just smirked, casually stripping without realising

"I'm an S Class now" Gray called, laughing at Lyon's expression of shock


"Because I'm the better Ice Make mage hehe" Gray replied

Suddenly, Alex appeared from the shadow, blonde hair flying in the wind as her red eyes locked onto Gray. She landed in front of him, attacking with red laser like beams, causing him to throw up his shield.

"Ice Make Lance" Gray yelled, however Alexis dodged it. Suddenly she requipped a demonic looking sword into her hand and attacked Gray. He dodged narrowly, however, Lyon was hit in the crossfire, gaining Sabertooth a point.

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