She looks down at her watch," You better hurry you only have five minutes left."

"Almost done," I say,"OK let's go."

"Off to work," she says looking relieved.

"Another day filled with serving the rich and famous," I mumble.

"Sometimes it's fun when their nice and then other times..." she starts but then trails off.

"It's like you wanna strangle them," I say finishing for her.

"Exactly!" she says laughing and then she apologizes," sorry about the water thing."

"Don't worry about it I probably would've done the same thing in that situation," I say laughing as we get onto the elevator.

"Yeah especially since you had a room mate like Ota," she says laughing along.

"He so different in the morning," I say.

"Yeah he is definitely not a morning person," she says.

"Many people aren't," I say,"there are only a few that I can think of that actually like being up in the morning."

"Yeah and I'm guessing you aren't one of them," she says starting to laugh again.

"That is true," I say,"even though I'm required to for my job."

"You'll get used to it everyone does," she says.


"Oh look we might actually be on time today," I say as we step out of the elevator and head towards the changing rooms.

"See just a few more days and you'll be able to do this without me," she says.

"I'm progressing," I say happily.

"See now let's get started," she says as we walk into the changing room.


*Time skip to Lunch*

"Again may I say, that is a lot of food," Liv says as we sit down for our lunch break.

"What can I say I love food and this food is amazing," I comment before taking a bite.

"Hey guys can we sit with you?" I hear a voice ask.

"Sure," Liv says answering and I just nod since I can't talk at the moment.

"Thanks, Liv," Sakiko says as her and Chisato take a seat.

"Are you OK Jess i heard you got sick during work and had to take the rest of the day off?" Chisato asks with a worried expression on her face.

I swallow before answering,"yeah I'm fine it was just a twenty-four hour stomach bug." When I finished answering I heat Liv breath like she was holding her breath, Chisato and Sakiko don't notice as they continue talking animatedly. I shrug it off and continue my lunch.


*Time skip after work*

As Liv and I are walking up to the penthouse I get a text from Tennoji.

'Can we meet up at Station?'

'Sure be there in fifteen minutes' I reply back.

"Liv, I gotta go," I say.

"Sure I'll tell Ota where you went," she says,"...Oh almost forgot, please don't tell anybody  about the auctions, or..something bad may happen."

A little bit to late, I think before asking her,"Why would something bad happen?"

Fate Plays Us All *(KBTBB Fanfic)*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt